Time to go to bed

Yes, Chris is here now, we think we have everything set and packed.. The alarm is set on 3.00 a.m. tomorrow morning and Steve will pick us up at 3.30. I'll be back Sunday night, see you then!
New Orleans and Miami here we come! :D
So ready to go!!


This weekend has been really nice, and the Friday with the kids was awesome! We went to a farm where we could play miniature golf and look around to see the animals. They also made homemade ice cream at the farm, so I bought them some ice cream, since they have been so good this week, amazing! I love you guys!! :)
Friday night I went to the Hunger Games movie, it was sooooo good! I just love the movie, and the books are awesome too! Saturday was shopping with Rieke, bpught two pair of shoes and some new outfits for New Orleans and Miami! So much looking forward to next week, me and Chris are gonna have a great week! Can't wait to go now!
Saturday night I want to Nicolina's house, we had dinner and then we went in to central city with Rebecca, had some fun there, just cruising around, nice! :)
Slept in this morning at Nicolina's house. No kids,just a dog, haha... Slept until like 11.30, felt great! No I am at home, doing some laundry from the weekend so I don't have to do that tomorrow, just one load left.. plus my own clothes.. Just gonna relax at home tonight :) Tuesday morning...... 6.10, but it is worth it.....!!!
See you!


Barnen är supergulliga den här veckan, nästan inget bråk och de uppför sig verkligen. Lilltjejen sitter just nu här och lutar sig mot min axel, hon är så sööt just nu :)
Jag är så jäkla trött just nu, helt psykiskt utmattad! Jobbat både idag och igår från 5.30 a.m. - minst 6.30 p.m. dvs rätt många timmar. Men det funkar rätt bra. Semester nästa vecka! :)
Vet inte vad jag ska göra just nu, har lovat hjälpa Becca med matten så lär ju ska åka över dit om ett tag. Har dock en rejäl hemlängtan just nu... Mamma, jag saknar dig! Bliur väl så då jag blir för trött tror jag...
Älskar er alla där hemma! :)

Weekend update

The weekend was really nice as I mentioned earlier it would be, and I really enjoyed it. I slept over at Lollo's house on Friday night, we played a dance game at the Wii and were playing Rock band. It was awesome! Saturday I spent in Philly with Chris, everything was green, so cool! St Patty's day over here is big. It was fun to see what everybody is doing. I was just wearing a green scarf, but anyway, it was okay.
In the night, I went over to Steve's house, sat by the fire outside, just talking, it was so nice out, really warm. Think I got home around 3 a.m. Sunday was only soccer, and then coldstone's in the night for some ice cream.
The weather was amazing the whole weekend, I love it! Spring is here, for sure!

This week the kids have off from school, spring break. So I am at home with them the whole days. Monday was really warm outside, around 23 degrees celsius, so I took them to a park, and then my hostmum took them out for lunch, cause she was off early from work. I went over to Rebecca's house. We just lay down in the sun, and got sunburned, haha... My face was all red! Anyway, just have to say that her 1 year old is sooooo cute. I'd love to have a smaller child sometimes, but guess I would feel different if I had it every day.
Yesterday was pretty much the same weather, so I took the kids to kids castle in Doylestown, and what a huge castle! They had fun, I think. We brought lunch and had a  little picnic outside. I love it!
Worked for a long time yesteday, but still wanted to celebrate  Rieke yesterday night, she turned 19, so I went over to her house and had some cake. I just love spendning time with her. The other  girls were great to!
Right now I am trying to figure out what to do with the kids today, but we'll dosomething - maybe we go to the store and buy some things, I suggested we'll make our own stickers, so we'll see.
Tonight I might help Rebecca with her math.. she is taking an online course of Math C, and since I have taken it allready, I might be able tp help her a little bit, haha. Or maybe not ;)
Anyway, time to play a little bit.

Not updating

I kind of forget about the blog, cause I am doing so many things and have so many things going on in my head right now! :)
Anyway, my week has been really good, with soccer, gym, quality time with Rieke, and high lighting my hair with the help of Chris! Think both of us are having fever for the New Orleans/Miami trip now, it is gonna be AWESOME!!!
1½ week to go, week! Can't wait! The kids have been great this week too, I just love them! I feel like I wanna spend more and more time with them..
Uhm.. Yesterday at soccer practice, I twisted my ankle really bad, I got stuck in the turf, damn turf! And it is still blue and a bit swollen, dislike. But anyway, I have bandage on, and on Sunday I will tape it and play the game, I am just used to this ankle by now..
I am doing taxes right now, how hard can it be.. obviously really hard over here, to know how to fill it in. Well, I think I might have got it now! :) Really expensive taxes.. 61 dollars.. wow!
Btw, think my weekend will be awesome again, Girls night with the Swedish girls tonight, then movies with Anne and Chris, and tomorrow it is St Patricks day(really big over here) and Sunday it is soccer, and then I am booked :)
Have a good day everyone!
"Love is in the air"

Best weekend in a long time!

It really was, Friday I went ice skating with Steve and then we watched a  movie. (Home alone, haha, that movie is awesome) Guess I fell asleep around 3.30 or something, but it was worth it.
Saturday I spent with Rieke, we had lunch at Panera Bread, then we did some grocery shopping and went to the library, and then we went over here to cook dinner, bake brownies and make chocolate covered fruit, it was awesome! :) We watched an American Pie movie and then we fell asleep, sooo tired, haha.
Today was soccer day, so I just left the house around 10 a.m. We lost the game, but we played well, and the coach said it was my best game, happyyyy! Back home, I had some issues with my hostom which made me feel bad about myself as usual.. But we talked about it and it felt better. I was crying a bit, but yeah, that is just how I am.
Anyway, Steve called and asked me if I wanted to come over to help him wash his car(or just sit there and watch as he said) and I thought why not? We had a good time, with a lot of laughters, haha. The weather was amazing today so we took a walk when we were finished, I just love the sun!!!
His parents invited me for dinner, and they are so nice, and so curious :) I like them.
Anyway, we have turned the clock again, ahead. so I am losing an hour :( Just to mention it, mom, I think it is only 5 hours now again, haha ;)
Sleeping time now,

Breakfast with the girls

This morning I went over to Anne's house to have breakfast with her and Nathalie, it was great, bagels and a glass of juice and a lot of talking, haha :) Anyway, was back home again around 11, switched the machine since it is four loads to do today, of laundry if someone was wondering ;)
I have cleaned my room and I cleaned up the toys in the garage, I think I am pretty good in organizing, at least I think it looks good.. But if I know the kids it won't last long, but well, for now it is good!
Now I am just waiting for the last load to be done so I can put it in the dryer.. And btw, everything is so much easier to do with some music, why didn't I figure that out earlier?!
We'll see what happens tonight, gonna go to the gym with Rieke, then maybe spend some time with Steve and his friends? I have no idea?
Have a good night everyone! :)

Time is running away from me

Yes, that is exactly how I feel, now it is Thursday again, where is the time, where is that year I had ahead of me? haha..
The days are ups and downs with the kids, but that is how my everyday life is right now, it actually is a big part of it, and the days are passing by so quickly! :)
Anyway, Wednesday was good, the weather outside... I love it, the spring is here. And yesterday it almost felt like summer, with 18 degrees celsius outside! Today it is gonna be even warmer!!
Yesterday night I had a nice time at the gym, did about 45 mins cardio and then me and Rieke did a workout schedule for our poor muscles. But I think it will be good! After we went in the hot tub and Sauna with Steve. Rieke left after a while cause she was tired, but me and Steve were sitting there talking for about one more hour before we left to go home.
Today I have class again, think I am gonna wal to the college today, the weather is beautiful :)

Boring day!

Yesterday the kids were off from school, so we went ice skating in the morning, and then after that Nana took us out for lunch, she is wonderful with the kids, amazing! And she is so nice to me too! I like her a lot. My hostparents were home from the March meeting when we got back, so off course they wanted to spend time with their kids, so I was off :) My hostmum got my a pair of earings from Hard Rock in Philly, so cool, I really like them :) omh, how is it gonna be leaving this family, haha..
Anyway, me and Chris went out for a coffee, talked a lot, and off course planned Miami and the summer, I am so much looking forward to this spring, it will be totally awesome!

Today has been a doing nothing day, so boring. I didn't even go to class today (I didn't mind though), cause there was a guy coming to fix the warmer that was broken. Oh, me and Markus skyped for a looong time, haha.. It taked a long time to find flights, hostel, agree  on flights and plan everything, haha.. But now the hostel for a week in Miami and flight from Miami to LA is booked for the summer, oooooh! It will be great!
Anyway, gonna fold some laundry, and then pick the kids up from school.
And btw, both mine and Chris camera is broken, buhuuuu... what about pictures from Miami? :( Try to figure something out!
See you


We went out for dinner with the kids tonight, they needed to get out of the house, I think it was a good idea :) Anyway, I felt the same when I got back home, so I just went out for a walk, which felt good too, a little bit chilly, but wasn't hard to stay warm! :)
Oh, I drove a car with a stick again, I didn't know if I was gonna be able to, haha.. Think it "sitter i ryggraden" maybe. Nice!
Now I have to get myself into the shower, which I has been supposed to do for about 45 minutes by now, I am just tired and slow.. Shower it is, guess the warm water will feel good! :)

Working weekend going on perfectly fine

Friday was a nice afternoon with the kids and then in the night we went to GA:s high school play, since L is a part of it. The played a muscial called urinetown, and it was really good actually! I am really impressed! :) After that I went to do some impulse shopping at Target  with Anne and Rieke, I ended up with a new Bikini and a  new dress for Miami, woohooo! I am starting to get excited! After that I went over to Steve, and ended up talking for like 4 hours watching a movie.

Nana is here this weekend, so I didn't have to get up early Saturday morning, made my day, to sleep in until nine, haha :) Anyway, drove the kids to karate at 11, but there was no karate today... So  we just went back home and had some lunch and then played until around 4 when I drove them to the movies to celebrate the girl's best friend's birthday. I was invited too, but didn't really wanna see the movie. I was supposed to go to the mall, but couldn't do that either, so ended up taking a walk out for about 1½ hour. It felt so good, a little bit chilly in the end, but it was perfectly fine :) Said bye to Steve and then I just had some dinner.
I didn't think about the fact that I could have dinner with them at Benihana without going to the movie. It would have been nice, but that never  passed my mind! Anyway, I had a good day with the kids, and the girl was soo cute when they got back home, and really tired. I read 3 books to her and then she was sleeping. Had to be careful getting out of her room, cause she was laying against my shoulder. It is these days my heart melts sometimes! :) Love!
I have already started thinking about how hard it will be leaving, I love my hostfamily here! :)

Today I have been a driver, haha.. Drove the boy to soccer practice, we waited there, then I drove them directly to Hebrew School, by that time me and Nana had some Brunch, a coffee and bagel at a bread house, it was good :)
I had to struggle a little bit with the girl today, she has been a bit bad, some days are good and some days are not. It is just how it is. They are playing a game with Nana right now, I am resting a little bit.


Yesterday I was at class in school, and then I just met Cami to give her the money so she could book the Chicago trip. Now it is booked and done! Chicago here we come, the 28th of April. Anyway, I went home, took the kids of the bus and drove them to karate, the waiting there didn't feel too long, it was okay. And they were so nice today, I love those days, when they are nice to each other! :)
Back home I just changed to go to the gym, TBC, with Rieke. It was hard, and we were exhausted afterwards, good for the body! ;) And the Hot tub and Sauna were awesome too! We just talked so much, about pretty much everything.
I went to Wawa to get some fruit, love fresh Mango, and randomly met Steve there, he was on his way home from class. So ended up talking for about an hour to him. It felt good, so easy!
Anyway, the morning today was good with the kids, and I just talked to Chris, maybe we'll go to the gym tomorrow afternoon. Going for a walk now, my mood is on top :)


I just got home, and as always I turn the alarm on... on HOME mode. Today I accidentely turned it on AWAY mode... which means that if someone moves, the alarm goes off. And the alarm comany called me, and asked me for a passcode, confused as I am, and in a good mood, I had no idea. So, well... I went upstairs and my hosrmum was up there talking on the phone with them.
I feel sooo bad right now, really so bad!
But yeah, a mistake, a tiny one ;)


Yepp, Chicago it is! Last weekend of April we'll go to Chicago, me, Chris and Camila. It will be awesome. Found it pretty cheap too, thanks girls for asking me! :)
Something else to look forward to this spring, I think the time will pass by very quickly... (Like it hasn't done it already..)
Gonna go out for a coffee now, night! :)

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