
Jaa, idag vaknade jag med en fruktansvärd värk i nacken med. Inte bara halsen längre, utan både nacken och örat. Tänkte att jag låter det vara tills imorgon, så började planera i huvudet hur jag ska organisera garderoberna med leksaker här nere. Har en plan nu! Iaf, min värdmamma kom hem vid 12.30, och sa att hon kunde hämta barnen på skolan idag.
Så jag åkte då jag var klar med tvätten, kring 2.30. p.m. Åkte först till ett ställe, de hade inte sköterskor där längre, åkte till nästa, vilket jag inte hittade. Tog då det tredje alternativet på min lista och tänkte tredje gången gilt, och så blev det. Fick träffa sköterska, som frågade massa saker om min allmänna hälsa osv.. Och till slut kom till saken. Jag har en allvarlig öroninflammation, tur jag kom nu sa hon. Även halsen var svullen, halsmandlarna var väldigt svullna, på båda sidorna sa hon. Så helt enkelt, fick utskrivet penicillinkur på 10 dagar. Hoppas det blir bättre fort, för hon sa att är det inte bättre inom 48 timmar ska jag gå till "öron,näsa,hals" läkare och kika, för då kanske halsmandlarna måste bort, huh!
I alla fall, sitter nu här och försöker hitta någon bekväm ställning för min nacke, förhoppningsvis somnar jag fort, är supertrött!
Sov sött alla glada!

Snow tubing!!

I got up at 7. a.m. this morning, ready to go snow tubing. Put all my ski clothes on and then I picked up three girls at the train station to take them over there. We had a lot of fun snow tubing and it was fun seeing the Colombian girls in the snow, haha. And I felt so happy again, been a little bit down lately.
After, when I was home, I took a walk with Nathalie in the "woods" over here. It was nice. Spent almost 4 hours outside today, great! And, I realized I wanna go skiing, it was so fun with the tubing, now I wanna go skiing too!
Nathalie had her camera with her, it is s nice, and she is good! :)
Gonna shower now, then sleep. Night..

The gym and central city

I went to the gym in the morning with Chris, went on the bike for a while and then we spent some time in the hot tub, felt so good, and so relaxing! We had some lunch at her house, indian food, really good. Then I took my stuff and went back home. I felt a little bit "off" today, don't know what it was! I don't know, texted Chris that afterwaards too, felt like I wasn't really that social, but at least she puts me in a good mood, as usual :)
I went back home, took a shower, and felt really tired. So what did I do then? Well, I took a "powernap" for about 1½ hours.. omg. But at least I felt a bit better after. I took the 7p.m. train into the city, had some dinner with a nice friend, and we talked a lot. So needed, to get out from the area, and do something else for once :)
Anyway, gonna sleep now, snow tubing tomorrow at 9 a.m. Will take some Colombian girls with me in the car, will pick them up at the train at 8 and then we'll grab some breakfast. Think it will be fun!

Indoor soccer

Just got back home from the night adventures..
I was out for a coffee with Chris, felt god, felt like it was ages ago I was out wit her. That's why we'll do it two days in a row now, haha. The gym tomorrow morning at 11! I am not gonna give a shit about my cough and throat anymore, sick and tired of it.
Anyway, I went out for a coffee and we planned a bit for the summer, everything sounds soooo good and soooo fun! We will have an awesome travelmonth! Then I went to play Coed soccer. It was actually a lot of fun, but I am wondering, where the heck did my "flås" go?! Haha... omg... I couldn't play for long until I needed a sub. I need to work on that, for sure!!
On my way home I stopped by at CVS and WaWa to buy some things and put gas in the car. Just got back home, need a shower and then I'll go to bed :)


On Thursday me and Nathalie cooked lunch for us at my house, we had some chicken and rice and made a sauce. It was pretty good actually. And a real lunch.
In the night I met up with some friends and had a lot of fun. Notthing special on Thursday...
Today I haven't done much. Just doing laundry and nothing else.. we'll see what happens tonight, maybe I'll just stay at home.

My heart is bleeding

I had a long day today, but it was okay. Looking forward until tomorrow when Chris is coming over for Breakfast and a walk, and then Nathalie will come for lunch. Will be fun!
Anyway, I am so emotional right now, feels like my heart is bleeding with the thought of you. Anyway, will get better! :) I am working my way up again!! Was out for a walk in the beautiful weather today, sunshine and +10 degrees(Celcius).
See yaaa!

Out with Nathalie

I was out with Nathalie after work today, we went to McDonalds to have some coffee, haha. It was great, I enjoyed it! Drove her home and took a shower when I got back home.
Oh, I also have realized that I am becoming like my hostfamily with laundry.. 
My laundry, after one week and two days, there are also things in the dryer. Is it good or bad?
Oh, and I can't hear anything on my left ear, hopefully it is cause of my cold and nothing worse..
Gonna sleep now, see you soon! :)

Nya jag

Jaa, jag känner verkligen att det är något som inte är som det brukar med kroppen. Jag är trött hela tiden, blir lätt sjuk, ingen energi till någonting och jaa... jag vet inte vad! Detta måste göras något åt tycker jag nu. Har varit så ett tag och nu nehövs verkligen en förändring.
Från och med imorgon:
Bättre nattsömn = fler timmar.
Promenad på morgonen. (De dagar vädret tillåter)
Ändrad kost, måste försöka komma tillbaka till de tre mål om dagen jag åt hemma.
Försöka hitta på något att göra på dagarna så det blir något vettigt gjort.
Jaa, nu får vi se hur det blir med det här, motivationen är det som vanligt som tryter lite, men ska iaf göra ett försök.
Vad tror ni om det här, låter det vettigt?
Nej, pick up time nu, ska hämta barnen på skolan :)


I went out for lunch with Jacky today, she came to visit me all the way from central city, haha ;) It was nice chatting with her for a while and then I went back home to put the towles in the dryer... But off course... I forgot to start the dryer before, so have to run the clothes first!
My cough seem to never give up on me. Just continue coughing. I wanna go tothte gym now, with Becca! I can't do this anymore.. :(
Well, driving over to the school, picking the kids up from school.
See you!

Failed, again!

Nathalie texted me around noon asking me if I wanted to go shopping, and off course, can't say no to that! ;) Came home with two cardigans, a t-shirt and a dress. I also bought my body mist that I ran out of, from Victorias secret. I just love both stores.
Anyway, after dropping her off at home I just went to Normandy Inn and stayed there chatting for a while with Stan. I was so tired, fell asleep all the time, haha. So just drove home and to feel better I took my second shower for the day and now I'll make a try to get some rest and a good night of sleep without coughing. Probably won't turn out like that, and my hope to get better is kind of gone soon!!
Well, sleep tight my friends,

Friday night and Saturday

Friday I spent witt Nana, until the kids got home, then I went out with the new girl for Amelie's old hostfamily. We had dinner and then went to the movies. OMG, the movie! We kind of just chose a movie that was showing, so it was a 3D movie called Underworld: Awekening. It was freaking scary! But sooo good! A vampire movie. Kind of like it.
Think Nathalie enjoyed getting out, and I will probably see her again next week, to take her out, and show her around.
This morning when I woke up around 8, it was snow!!! I got so happy, even more excited than the kids, haha. Well, me and Nana(since both my hostparents were at work today) got them ready to go out around 10 and then we had so much fun. I just put all my winter clothes on and played with them in the snow, felt like a kid again. Must have looked funny, haha. My hostmum got home around 9.30 p.m. and then I decided to go out, went over to a friends house and watched a movie. Not a good one, but anyway. My hostmum said that the roads were slippery and icy.. But I didn't think so. But anyway.
Now I might watch another movie, cause my hostmum didn't say anything about me having to get up tomorrow morning, so don't think I have to.
What about watching the end of Revolutionary Road maybe..
We'll se which movie I end up with..

Nana, me, and the kids

Yes, my hostparents left to go to Indeanapolis? this morning, and won't be back until Friday night and Saturday night, so Nana came here this afternoon to help me with the kids.
I felt pretty miserable today. Didn't sleep much, again, cause of the coughing, and today I had headache too. So not much energy then... I drove the kids to karate and then we went to Olive Garden for dinner, which was really nice. And the boy finished his homework when we got back home. Everything good so far. The girl... was good until we told her to go to bed. Then she started crying and didn't stop.. almost.. until Nana scratched her back until she fell asleep in her bed, finally. I read with the boy and it was pretty fun.
I just said good night, and then he said; Emilia.. I usually get tucked in. He's so cute, so I did that and then we said good night. I told him he is the best eight year old I know, he is awesome!
Well, just took an "Alvedon" for the fever and some cough drops, hopefully I can sleep soon.
Can sleep in until 6.30 tomorrow, Nana told me to get up at that time, so, I just thanked her and said Good night :)

Cleaning time

Yes, now I am gonna clean my room. It is needed and I feel like it was years ago I did it! But anyway, you need to do boring things sometimes too.
I miss skyping with mom and dad, damn internet! But hopefully they will fix it so it will work again since the mobile network didn't work as well when we tried. 
No, I am too lazy, back to work! ;)


Yes, today was the day, last chance to say Good bye to Amelie and Terese! I went to Amelie's house in the morning and when I left. BUT, Germany is not that far away. Then I went to the Cheesecake factory with Terese, Chris and Nadine to have a Goodbye lunch for Terese. I'll miss you girl! Good luck with Poland! ;) And I forgot to hug her bye.. But will see her in the fall, hopefully.
Then I just picked the kids up from school and drove back home and spent some time with them until they had a haircut appointment at 6 p.m. The girl was tired when she got home, was a bit tired, but she gets upset very easy then. Hard to handle and just wants to make trouble... BUt anyway, had an okay day with them.
Sad news in the night, but yeah, don't know what to say more than that I am sorry..


I got up at 6.30, played with the girl in the basement and then it was time for them to go to go ice skating with their dad. I drove the girl twin to soccer at 11 and watched her tournament. It is so funny, cause they play "with the walls". They doesn't play with the side lines as we do at home. Maybe cause there barely are side lines. Well, it was a lot of fun watching it, and guess it is fun to be able to use the walls.
In the end, after the last game, a women(a mom for one of the girls) asked me; " And who is your daughter?" I didn't really know what to answer, haha... Do I really look that old so I could have a 14/15 year old daughter? Hahaha. Well, don't know if it is a compliment or a humiliation.... Either..
And, my throat is hurting, a lot! Again. Feels like my lungs will come out when I cough!
Gonna go to CVS again I guess, to see what they can offer for my throat.


Yesterday night was totally awesome, five girls, two double air mattresses, a cauch and a lot of movies. Couldn't be better. We laughted a lot and Rebecca and Amelie were too tired so they laughted.. too much, haha. Guess everybody fell asleep around 3.30 or so. And omg, how nice it was to NOT wake up by kids running around! What a feeling.
Well, I drove back home and stayed in bed almost the whole day, skyped Erika to see how she is doing in the southern of Sweden and how everything new feels. Played a bit with the girl too, wanted to spend some time with her. At like 4.45 I called Terese about the movie we were talking about earlier, and they were going, and gonna eat at Applebee's before, at 5.30. Me, in my PJ's, almost, got into a hurry. Never been ready that fast before, cause I was ready in... I guess... 10 minutes.
I had a nice dinner and then we went to see the movie Contraband, it was actually really good.
I am getting into these action movies more and more, what is happening!?!?
Now it is time to go to bed, and I can actually sleep in until 6.30 tomorrow ;) And my hostdad, is gonna take the "little ones" as my hostmum  said, and I can drive one of the twins to soccer around 10.30. The kids are off from school tomorrow.

Girls night tonight

I got home late last night, around 3 a.m. But had a great time, even though the movie "The girl with the Dragon Tattoo" wasn't as good as the Swedish version of it, but it was okay.
Now I am just sitting here waiting for tonight, Chris will come over here around 5 and then we will go to Amelie's house for a girlsnight with the best girls; Amelie, Becca and Terese. It will be awesome, and we will have so much fun!
Gooosh, I will miss the girls so much when both Amelie and Terese goes home on Wednesday! :(
But we'll see each other again, I will go to Germany, for sure, maybe allready this fall! And Terese shouldn't be that hard to see again ;)

Laundry, laundry, laundry

Friday is laundry day, well, the day with the most at least. So I always just stay at home and chill, taking the things out when they are done.
How come I feel so tired?? Need to put my contacts on and get ready to do something. Cause I get more tired of just sitting here! Something to do during the days would be great...
Just keep it up girl!!!

Finally a haircut

Today I went to a salon in Ambler to get a haircut. It is a student salon, like a beauty school, but that is fine with me. They seemed to be really good so just droped in and sat down and waited for my turn. I just wanted a trim, so how can you possibly not succeed with that?
You don't see my hair that well, but anyway, I am happy with the result.. But my hair is till so dry, it is the water here!
I got a text from my hostmum about that she was home and could take the kids off the bus and to karate, so no rush home. I went to Target to buy some toothbrushes, and better shampoo for my hair and a good conditioner spray.
Now I am back home, gonna change to go to the gym later. See you!

Sored muscles

The morning today was good, both kids kind of jumped out of bed and was ready before I had time to blink my eye. Nice for once.. I went out for brunch at Ihop with the girls and we had a good time. I like it cause they always put me in a good mood! And Terese is leaving soon, only one week left :(
Then I went to see Stan, but didn't succeed this time either, so just went back home. Got the course book from Terese, it is sooo thick! But, she said it is really easy. The kids got home around 3.40 p.m. The boy did his homework and then he had a playdate, and I did easy bake with the girl. It is a lot of fun!
Well, headed to the gym around 6 to meet Becca there, and we tried Bodystep, but THAT is definitely nothing for us, haha. We left the class after like 10 minutes when we realized that we couldn't do that. So; Spinning instead. I think it is good, but Becca thought it was hard, guess she is not that "fit" as I am... Not that I am fit, but more than she is, haha. Well, at least we have a lot of fun going to the gym.
And btw, my muscles today, omg. Haven't felt like this since the wrestling building up training last year. But I can feel I am alive. Think my body really needs this!
Gonna watch a part from Glee, season 3 now.

Rough day

I had an awful day... or morning... The girl broke my necklace when she pulled it from my neck.. The chain broke, and then she hit me right in the face, couldn't keep the tears from coming, it hurted so much when my glasses was put INTO my face! And all this for a bottle of water..
Well, cried for a while and kept thinking that I can't do this anymore.. I need to go home. But after a nice talk on skype and talking with Chris I calmed down. I went to the college and signed up for the TOEFL course today too, great!
I told my hostmum when she got home and she/we had a long talk with the girl about getting physical instead of talking and communicating. Think she got it, at least a little bit.
In the night I went to the gym, took a class today again, and it was sooo good workout, and the instructor was handsome, haha. Anyway, it felt a little bit like the pre season build up training in soccer at home, so will continue doing that, hopefully both Tuesdays and Thursdays. Will be good for my body!
And down in the gym later, a guy came to me and said: ooh, the Swedish girl. And then I realized I talked to him before at the gym. He was really nice actually. Talked for a while and then we decided to work out together on Thursday, haha. Nice with someone to work out with. So much more fun then!
Gonna sleep now, breakfast at IHOP with the girls tomorrow


The morning was great today, even but they were a little bit slow, but it was okay. I spent the day cleaning my room and my car, needed in both cases. Also skyped a bit with mum and dad. They are Jet lagged... Jippie, haha.
I picked the kids up at school and then I gave them a snack and the boy did homework and me and the girl created a lamp. It became so nice with the lights switching between different colours and she decorated it with stickers. It was nice. Rebecca called me and wanted me to go to Sh'bam with her.. A bit sceptical to that, I am not that good at dancing, and my coordination, haha... Well, we went there. And it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it, and the women that was leading us was so good, she really made us try and laugh about it. Just a lot of fun! Will definitely do that again.
Rebecca wants me to go to Yoga on Wednesday, something else that is new. Well, ill try and see what I think about it, everything is more fun when you go with someone.
I also skyped with Pierre, how I laugh all the time. You keep my mood up boy ;)
Gonna take a shower now, then sleep, hopefully! :)


I am tired as hell. Fell asleep after finishing the book my mum gave me. That was around 10.30 I guess. I was sooo tired cause I didn't sleep more than 4 hours the night before. Damn Lola, haha... Well, today I was supposed to go to the gym at 10.30 with Becca, but I felt like I was gonna throw up. So I fell asleep again and woke up again at 11.
I still felt bad, but I went upstairs to have something to eat anyway. And right away I felt like everthing was gonna come up again, but after I while I felt better, maybe I was just hungry, cause now everything is just fine!
Well, soccer practice in two hours. Finally!!

Friday and Goodbye

Yesterday was the goodbye day, my family was going home. I worked in the morning and had a lot of laundry to do so my parents drove over here until I had like one left and then we returned their car, had lunch together, and then I went back home to work again. I was supposed to pick them up at the mall, and then frive to the trainstation and go with them to the airport.. But I was running late, cause I worked late, so I just drove their bags over and said goodbye there. I went back home, grabbed some stuff and went to Philly to see Jacky and some of her friends. We had a cup of coffee and sat in a park and talked. I had a great time! Should see her more often!
Today I got home around 1 p.m. and now I just got back from the gym, went there with Becca. Both of us needed it!
Miss you allready babe!

Flyers Game

I had a nice day with lunch in New Hope with Chris, Terese and my family. It was nice! Back home I had some fights with the girl, and didn't know what to do with her. It is so hard. She said that I hit her, but I would never in my life do that. I just caried her as I use to do to her room and then told her to stay there. When she came downstairs again, we played a game and then she messed the whole thing up and spread it all over the floor. I told her to pick it up, but she just got mad.. I had to hold her cause I don't want to get hit by her kicks and hits( which I was anyway) Now again she said that I hit her. This makes me sad, I feel so helpless!
Well, the night ended good anyway, with an amaing NHL game. WOW! And then when I got back home I hear that "Juniorkronorna" has been taken GOLD in the World Championship. Such a great night!!
Sleep now so I can enjoy my last day with my family tomorrow... with laundry...

Two days left

Yesterday was a pretty nice day, put the kids on the bus and then I went to the hotel to see my parents and we went out for a ride. My dad is not that bad driving here actually ;) I got back home around 2.30 and finished the laundry and then the kids got home. Had time to skype Tias too, love to you my friend! I drove the kids to a playdate and then went to the hotel again. We played cards, and how much I have missed that.... haha. I took my sister to the movies; " Young Adults". We talked about life and serious things and we also had a lot of fun. I 've missed you so much Erika!

Today was a nice day, with laundry... again. But I am just doing it, it is not that hard. My parents came over around 10 and then we waited for the machines to be done so we could go out for lunch. I took them to Panera Bread, my favorite, almost. Erika liked it, and I think everybody liked it actually. Just soooo good!
I drove back home and did some more of my own laundry and then the kids got home. I played with them, and then went to pick L up at school around 6 p.m. It was a good night and I really enjoy staying here. I can feel it, haha! Oh, I went to the hotel and played cards again, I am so good, still ;)
Well, bed is waiting for me now, only two days left until they'll go back home.

King Of Prussia Mall

Got up at 7 today and did some laundry and then my hostmum told me to go and spend time with my parents. They are so nice to me, really wants me to have a good time now when my family is visiting. Anyway, we picked up the car my mum rented, and then drove back home so they could say hello to my hostfamily. It was nice, and after that we went to the King Of Prussia Mall... and Erika knows how to go shopping, for sure! Haha.. well, we had a great time at least.. They dropped me off at home, I was going to finish the laundry, but my hostmum had taken everything  away so that was nice of her, I mean, it is a part of my work.
I was playing with the girl in the basement for a while and she did my hair. It was fun.
Pretty nice, right? ;)
Well, gonna watch a movie now,
Over and out!

New Years Eve

I had a great New Years Eve with my family. We were at the mall during the day and then we went to Philly in the night to have dinner and then watch the fireworks at Penn's Landing down in the harbour.
Girls ready for New Years!
Me and my love.
Hard to catch mum and dad in a pic, but did, once!
My New Years was great, and the Fireworks are hard to explain. I will never experience something like that again, that's for sure. It just kept going on for 15 minutes, without any paus. Amazing!!!

Today Markus didn't feel good, so we just stayed at the hotel and read and played some cards. It was okay, and I was so sleepy, so ofr me it was fine. ¨
Now I'll sleep and just get ready to raise up at 7 a.m. tomorrow, not that bad. Work for a while and then go to my family. My hostparents are so nice, love to you guys! :)
Sleep tight!

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