A lot of people in the house and 2!? months with my hostfamily

I got the kids to school and my thought was to go to the gym afterwards, but I was really tired, so fell asleep instead. Slept until 10 o clock and began studying a little bit. Did some questions in the " Ask yourself" boxex for each chapter. A beginning at least. Then I went to the lesson at 12.45. It was good today actually, I don't think the test will be that hard, but still don't know how much I should study for it... Better to study to much and then know it until next time is my thought! When I got home from the class my hostmum and the kids were allready home. It was Rosh Hashannah today, so around 3 o clock some of my hostmum's relatives came from New York.

I played with the girl in the basement for a while and we built something for her, don't know the english word, if there is one, but "koja".

Think she liked it and she was "sleeping" in there.

We had food (catering) and then a lot of dessert, haha. The food was really good and so was the desserts!

The chocolatecovered pretzels were the best!

There's a lot of left overs and I'll probably have food for lunch tomorrow.. haha.

I spent almost the whole night with the family today, felt weird in the beginning, cause I'm so shy, but it got better after a while. I soon began feeling comfortable. I helped doing the dishes and then I sat down in the cauch with the girl, and she layed against me. It was so nice, think I'm getting a better bond with her.

Tomorrow morning I'm gonna go to the gym, no matter what! Have to after all the food I ate today. Gonna try sleeping now, but I'm not just used to haveing more people than me sleeping in the basement, haha, so let's see if I can fall asleep! And something more; I've spent two months with my hostfamily today, that's like incredible! Where did the time go?


Lunch på IHOP och plugg

Idag gick det återigen smidigt på morgonen, det funkar så bra nu, blir så glad! Min värdmamma åkte sent till jobbet idag så jag satt och pratade med henne ett bra tag om allt möjligt. Jag var tveksam om att gå till gymmet ellr inte, men hon lyckades motivera mig! Bra av henne tycker jag. För spenderade ca två timmar där idag, kändes så bra efteråt. Direkt hem och börja plugga igen! Gjorde faktiskt NÄSTAN klart vocabulary sakerna..

Sedan bestämde jag och Anna att träffas för lunch, skönt break i studierna för både henne och mig tror jag! Vi åkte till IHOP tillsammans och åt en rejäl lunch.

Provade amerikanska pannkakor idag igen, dock ny smak idag; New York Cheesecake. Det var toppat med jordgubbsylt och grädde, mums! Här har vi också underbara Anna! :)

Åkte hem igen och fortsatte plugga, gjorde klart Vocabulary! Woohoo! Hämtade barnen vid bussen och sedan hände det massa saker. Min värdpappas mamma kom, tvillingarna kom som vanligt på onsdagar, vi började duka för imorgon osv.

Imorgon kommer massa släkt! Lite nervös är jag.. Men går säkert bra. Min värdmamma sa att det kommer gå bra, inga problem, haha.

Nu blir det lite mer plugg ca en timme innan jag ska sova. Vill försöka börja lite smått med de ca 40 "Ask yourself"  rutorna som finns i de 6 kapitlen vi läst. Hoppas det går bra... Dock är det tungt att komma igång!



Ja, igår tisdag så gick allt väldigt smidigt på morgonen. Hade tänkt åka till gymmet, men var supertrött så sov en extra stund efter att ha lämnat barnen på bussen i stället. Så, pluggning stog på schemat idag... Ville hinna lite innan lektionen klockan 12.45. Hann med lite grand och sedan åkte jag direkt till skolan och hämtade barnen.

Skjutsade pojken till Hebrew school och sedan åkte jag direkt hem, bytte kläder på tjejen och skjutsade henne till fotbollsträning. Sedan åkte jag direkt därifrån och hämtade pojken på Hebrew school. Vi körde hem och åt middag direkt. En stund senare åkte jag direkt till fotbollsträning.  Var hemma vid halv elva och fortsatte plugga lite. Massa plugg igår alltså.

Somnade rätt sent, för pluggade, och ville göra klart det jag höll på med. Men min planering för veckan bröts ändå! Typiskt! Tiden räcker inte till!


Good day

The kids where easy this morning (as usual now) and I had time to make the beds, put laundry in the machine and then I went to the gym at 8.15. I tryed Pilates, it was actually really nice, I have allways thought that it's nothing for me, but I liked it, gonna try doing that on Monday mornings! Think it'll help to strengthen my back a little bit too!

I got home and began studying around 11.30. Did some more laundry and so on, but at least I finished reading chapter 6 before picking up the kids! Now I've read all the chapters that's gonna be on the test next week. A looot! Well, I picked up the kids and we got home and payed outside until I had to drive the girl to dance class. The boy had a pianolesson at 4.30 too. My hostmum had a meeting to go to at 6 p.m. so I was with the kids until my hostdad got home, around 6.45. We had such a great time! We played and had fun!

The boy ate dinner that I made for them, but the girl wasn't hungry so.. When my hostdad got home I helped the girl shower and we laughted so much! She was so good today. It's these moments I really understand why I like being here so much, the kids are adorable!

After helping her I continued studying, I wrote the notes from the PP-presentations down in my notebook instead of printing them, cause I think I learn better when first read them, then write them down, instead of just reading. I took me such a long time, but think it'll be worth it in the end. I was done around 11 p.m.

Gona sleep now, so I'll get up from the bed tomorrow morning!


2nd soccergame

I raised up around 10 today so I could have both breakfast and lunch before I had to leave for the soccergame. We had an awaygame in New Jersey today. It took like 1 hour to get there and then the game, plus the drive back home. I left my house at 12.20 and I was back home at  5.45 p.m. The whole day was gone! And we lost to... We were kind of silent on the ride home. I guess we were tired too. The team we played against today won the league last year, so they were good. But I mean, we had the ball most of the time, but they were the ones that scored.. The biggest difference according to my coach was that they knew where they had each other on the field, and we didn't. A reason for that to, our team has only been playing together for about 1½ month or so.

Well, I got home and I had dinner with the family and spent the night with the kids watching them when they played their Ipads. Haha, how fun.. not! But at least I was upstairs with the family. :)

Now I have some reading to do, or maybe sleeping... Actually don't know. Tired but know I have to read, a big test coming up soon! But I can do it tomorrow, I mean, I just have to go to the gym, and then I can study the whole day long. Gonna close down everything on the computor and just study!


Hot tub and sauna

I don't know what was wrong in the morning today, but the kids were so silent. I appriciate it, cause I could sleep without waking up until around 10.30. I felt so good after sleeping that much! At the same time it feels bad sleeping so long in the mornings, it feels like they are wondering where I am, haha. But I need to catch up some sleep during the weekends when I don't have to raise up so early. Well, I had breakfast:


Then I played with the kids when they got home from karate, we played outside for about 1½ hour, it was really fun, we biked around the circle and played kickball. Definetly gonna get them outside more, it's more fun! Then I wrote with Chris about going to a spa or something, we ended up att the gym. We worked out for about 1 hour and then we spent like 1 hour in the hot tub and the sauna, it was so relaxing!

We wanted to have dinner somewhere, and I needed to buy a jacket for the fall since it's getting colder. So we went to the Montgomery Mall, and had a great time there!

Chris and her icecream after salad for dinner.

Me and my icecream, tasted really good!

The new dress I bought at Hollister.

I also bought a Hollister - hoodie, tights, leggins, a scarf for the winter, some earjewelery, a green falljacket, and a purple shirt. I like it!

Then we hurried home, cause we were going to New Hope with Terese. Both of us changed clothes at my house and then we went to SB to meet Terese. New Hope was really nice actually, a lot of people out and a lot of shops open late. It was cosy there. Thwn I went back home, stopped at WaWa on the way home cause I needed to put gas in the car, and I chatted a little bit with the guy in the cashier, he was interested in where I was from and so on, as usual! But he was nice, and he also goes to the Montgomery Community  College. Maybe we'll met there, haha.

Now I'm home and I'm gonna sleep! Awaygame in New Jersey tomorrow, which will take almost the whole day cause it's so far away. Wish me luck.


Friday night with Amelie

The day went on so fast, I had 7 loads of laundry to do! So I just went to the gym in the morning; spinning/core class and then I went back home to study. Had a little bit hard to focus, but I finished my homework for Tuesday! Had to say good job to myself, cause the motivation is totally gone. Then I picked the kids up by the bus and I drove them to a friend of their's house so they could go to a "Fun night in school" together.

The time just ran away, and suddenly it was time for me to go to Amelie's house so we could drive to the movie theatre together. It was the premiere of ABDUCTION! Oh My God, Taylor Lautner is soooo handsome, haha!

And the movie was really good! Worth paying for. We had fun on the drive to and from the movie and we dropped of Rebecca(another Swedish Au Pair) at her house after the movie. Have to see her some more time, it was nice!

It's good spending time with Amelie, cause it's so easy to talk to her and we can talk about everything together!

Came home and went straight to the bed, happy cause I couls sleep as long as I wanted to in Saturday morning!


Upside and Down

I had porridge for breakfast this morning, it tasted awesome! And my hostmum came home after work with neutral yougurt, think it's the closest thing to Soured Milk... So gonna try that one tomorrow!

I couldn't go to the gym this morning cause the guy that was gonna fix the dryer was gonna come between 8-12. So I just stayed home, took a nap for 1½ hour after breakfast and that felt good, I needed it! I had collegeclass today, that one was good, we watched a movie about babies minds, interesting! Then I went to the place where the girl has got dance and asked for my cellphone, but it wasn't there either, guess I just have to accept the fact that it's gone!

Picked the kids up from the bus but didn't have to drive them to Karate, their mum did that. After this my world turned upside Down.. Probably won't fall asleep until later, even if I need to sleep early!

I allready miss you to much, where are you? Come here!


Lunchdate and icecream

I raised up as usual, and it was confusing this morning, haha both parents were at home and I didn't have to walk the kids to the bus but made them breakfast and everything like that. I went  directy to the gym on a class ; Trim and Sculpt, hope it's good for my body, has got muscle ache... Tomorrow I have to un on the treadmill, feels like my physical condition is so bad! Probably it's not like that, but just the feeling makes me sick.

Got home and read some pages in the book, then I texted Kim, wanted to have a lunchdate! We met at Salad Works, a great place with good food!

I had a salad(Almost finished here) but anyway, it tasted really good! It was a pickand mix salad, so I got what I wanted to! After lunch we went to the grocery  store next door. I wanted to check out what is in there, and I need to see if I can cook some time from scratch! :)

I bought dark chocolate(better than the other junk they've got at home), apple sauce which is "Äppelmos" and oat! I'm gonna make porridge tomorrow for my breakfast! Looking forward to it!

I went back home and I had got a mail! It was the tickets for the game; Flyers - Blackhawks, January the 5th!

Will be fun to go there with my whole family! :)

Then I got confused again, my hostdad was home, at 1 o clock.. But he told me that a meeting was cancelled and he had the day off. He's got trouble with the schedule tomorrow instead, cause he have to be at the meeting which he was supposed to do today, hope he'll work it out! I picked the kids up at the bus at 4 p.m. and then I picked L up from her fieldhockey practice at 5.30. Had some pasta for dinner and then I continued reading! Finished Chapter 5 today!

At 8 p.m. Maren wrote me a message about Icecream at Coldstone, we were gonna leave from another girls house at 8.30, so had to hurry up then! Well, the Icecream at Coldstone was awesome, you could like pick and mix whatever you wanted to, with toppings and things like Oreos and M&M:s. I liked it! Yummie!

Now I'm gonna sleep, was gonna read, but if I do it I'll just have to do it again anyway, to tired so nothing will stay in my head anyway! Tomorrow I'll continue reading! Chapter 6...


Nothing special

Well, today when I woke up I felt so good, so many hours of sleep was a long time ago! Got the kids on the bus and went to the gym. I had paaaain in my body since yesterday's gym workout. Then I went to the bank.. No phone there. Where is it? Guess I just have to accept that it is gone. I need to talk to Markus about the insurance from home, if it's still available or if I've been here too long! Think I read something about validation for a month... But he's in Turkey, hope he's doing fine there and is having a great time! Miss you honey!

I had class at college today, I took notes, and I think I can understand them to, haha! Just took a look at my grades, it's looking good! Have to keep up the good work. Three homeworks: 27/30 possible points, must be good I guess! :)

I picked the kids up in carline again today, Justins (hyber?)school began at 4.30. I played with them outside for a while until he had to leave cause his mum drove him over there, and then I played with Taylor until I had to take her to soccer. It was fun, we played kickball outside and went on the swings. Got home from soccer around 6.50 and now I'm getting ready for my soccerpractise at 8.30. Will be tired tomorrow, it's so late to come home 10.30, but it's definately worth it!

Tomorrow I'll study, have to read.. two chapters until Thursday! Again, haha. It's my own fault it's two, should have read one for today, but I knew my teacher was after in the planning so.. Well, let's do it tomorrow! Maybe YOU can help me? Encourage me! :)


I'm so clumsy

Today my hostparents stayed at home cause they had to study for their big exam tomorrow. They do it every ten years, so I guess it's kind of big... I went straight to the gym after putting the kids on the bus and then home for studying! I actually finished the summary today, proud! ;) But I didn't read anything, gotta do that tomorrow. Soo much things to do in class, to much!

Picked the kids up at school today so the girl would be able to go to dance at 4.10 p.m. When I had dropped her off I went to the bank, I'm so sick and tired of this thing now! I want my account to work! Well, I got there and was really pissed off, cause five minutes earlier they had called from the gym and said that there was no access to my card anymore, and if I don't pay it tomorrow, they'll close my membership! Un fucking believable! Well, the men that took care of me and helped me was really nice and they appologised a lot for me having this much trouble with the bank. But it's not their fault, it's the headoffice that's doing something wrong. I had to open a completely new account, so now it'll probably go on without trouble, cause they were really careful and talked a lot in the phone to be sure they had all information that was required. Finally!

Picked the girl up and today I was supposed to be with the kids.. Cause the parents had to study. I feel so bad, it feels like I failed! The girl fell in the shower(before she got in) and her mum had to come up anyway and shower her... Their dad made them dinner, it feels so bad! I really wanted them to be able to fovus on their studying tonight...

And that's not all. My swedish cellphone is totally gone! I brought it to be able to see what time it was when I picked the kids up at school, and then I don't know. Can't find it anywhere. I had both the swedish one and the american one in my pocket when I left to pich them up.. But then?... Did I leave it at the bank? At the eldercare where the girls dance class is? Is it somewhere at home? In the car? Can't find it anywhere. Let's hope I'll find it tomorrow. the bad thing is I think it ran out of batteries so I can't call it either.

I'm just too tired right now to worry about things like that. Have to find it!


Soccergame and Hard Rock Café

Raised up in time today so I could eat and get ready for the first soccergame here. I was really nervous when I got to the field, I was in the line-up... The girls encouraged me a lot and said I did a good job all the time, it feels good! We won the game; 1-0. We didn't play that good but at least we won. The warming up and everything around is different here from home, it feels more professional at home, haha. Think I have to get used to it! ;)

I rushed from the soccergame to get home cause the train to Philly was gonna leave at 3, and the game was done at 2. I was home and ready to go at 2.45, that was fast if you're asking me.. Like 2 minutes in the shower and then getting dressed and leave! Catched up with Terese at the train and then Anna got on in Ambler, so that's the girls I spent the night with. I also met a lot of other girls that I've met once or maybe twice before.

A lot of girls waiting outside Hard Rock Café to get in. It was around 150 girls at the meeting!

We got nametags.

Anna and Terese outside.

Me and Terese.

It looks really cool inside the Hard Rock Café!

I had a great day and spent the night with friends I like. The whole weekend has been awesome!

Now I have to study, haven't done anything this weekend...


Rock concert in Camden(Saturday)

I raised up early cause I wanted to see the girls soccergame this morning. They played really good, and I think it is funny to see them play when they are this young! :) It's entertaining. After the game I went to the bank, and took the cash out cause they shut down my account, hopefully they'll open it again soon! I really need to have an american account.

Went home and worked out a little bit, then I got ready for the big thing, the concert with Mý Chemical Romance and Blink 182! Anna picked me, Mirja and Terese up at 3.30 and we began out roadtrip to Camden. It wasn't far, but soooo much traffic, cause Phillies also had a game  today. Took us 2 hours to get to Camden. We hade dinner at AppleBees and it was good. When the concert began we stood as close to the stage as we could with the tickets we had. We had a really good sight from there.

Me and Anna ( I had never met her before the concert)

The stage. Behind us there was a huge lawn, I think it was about 30 000 people at the concert, at least!

My camera isn't that good in the dark, so there are no more pictures, but we had a great time! It took us 1 hour to get out from the parking lot out to the road, and then only 45 more minutes, so we didn't get home that late, around 12.30 a.m. I wen't directly to bed, my eyes din't want to stay open anymore! At the same timne it was hard to sleep, cause I was nervous about the soccergame coming up!


Härlig kväll

Känner bara inte för att skriva på engelska idag, det blev lite för sent innan jag kom hem. Som sagt, mycket tvätt på fredagar, så har inte gjort ngt speciellt. Försökte komma igång med att läsa texten vi ska göra en sammanfattning på, men det går otroligt segt med pluggningen! På söndag kväll måste jag ta mig i kragen ordentligt, verkligen! Vart är studiemotivationen jag hade i gymnasiet?! Måste gå på jakt efter den..

Jag kunde inte sova natten som var på grund av att jag fick en boll på hakan på träningen på kvällen, och örat(käkbenet) tog smällen! Dunkade i hela öret på natten, var tvungen att hämta is och kyla med. Så var väldigt trött i morse.. Somnade direkt nästan då jag lämnat dem vid bussen, var skönt! Sedan bokade jag Flyersbiljetter tills mamma och pappa kommer över, kommer bli superkul.

Vid kvart i två hämtade jag barnens mormor vid tåget och vi babblade en massa tills vi skulle hämta barnen vid bussen... Bussen var sen idag med! Typiskt, får se hur vi gör med det där.. Hur de bestämmer, om jag ska hämta dem varje dag eller hur vi ska göra. De kan ju bli sena till sina aktiviteter efter skolan om bussen är sen, och jag gillar dessutom inte att stressa upp dem direkt då de kommer hem!

Men i övrigt så var höjdpunkten på dagen kvällen med Amelie! Vi hade superroligt, haha. Vi trodde bion var på ett ställe men den var på ett annat så vi körde till det andra så fort vi kunde, försökte först utan GPS men åkte vilse, haha :P Så jaa, lost i USA för första gången ;) Men kul hade vi! Vi såg ändå filmen vi tänkt se, fats vi missade tio första minuterna: I don't know how she does it. Den var riktigt bra, skrattade mig genom mycket av filmen.  Sedan tänkte vi åka till McDonalds och köpa glass, men det första var stängt så åkte till det nästa vi visste om. Där var Drive-thrun öppen. Men vi parkerade och tänkte gå in, men det var låst. Då kom vi på tanken, att vi kan gå genom drive-thrun, haha.. Vi tänkte prova men vi backade in bilen i drivethrun och körde istället ;) Vi körde runt en hel del, det blev som en Roadtrip nästan, hehe.

Tack Amelie, det var länge sen jag skrattade så här mycket!

Imorron är det kika fotboll som gäller och seden åker vi 3.15 till konserten i Camden, kommer bli super! Terese och hennes kompis ska åka med oss dit, kommer säkert bli en kanonresa, haha!

Vill även bara säga; You made my day and you know who you are!



The girl was really good this morning, she got dressed by herself and did everytning. But just until 5 minutes before we were gonna leave for the bus, she took all her clothes of and I had to hold her and put her clothes back on.. But they got on the schoolbus in time! Didn't do much today, just spent time inside waiting for the collegeclass to begin at 12.45.

We didn't do much in class either, but we got homework, again, haha. A lot of things to do. A summary and one more chapter until Tuesday. Gonna begin tomorrow! At least I began reading the text we are gonna write a summary of today. Just the rest left though.. But I'm gonna make this, I'm telling myself! Really wants to learn new things. Were gonna pick the kids up by the bus at 3.30 so I was there 3.15. 4 p.m. my hostmum called, the kids were allready home, they got dropped of almost on the driveway. The kids had walked over to a neighboor until I came, they did the right thing!

Drove them to karate and then I went back home. I had some dinner, meat and potatoslices made in the oven! How I miss it.. Thanks to my hostdad I got it today. I've never come up with the thought to do it by myself, but why not?
The kids got home and had dinner and I helped the girl shower. She actually WANTED me to help her today, that's good! But I had to hurry up to get changed for soccerpractise at 8.30. The coach called the players for the game and I'm gonna start the game in goal! Didn't think so.. Let's hope it will turn out good! The practise was kind of good today so...

When I got home I saw that one of the girls in my cluster had a ticket left for a concert this Saturday night. She really wnted to have someone to go with, and I thought that it would be fun, so on Saturday me and Anna(have never met her before) are going to the Blink 182 / My Chemical Romance concert in Camden! Will be awesome. I got the ticket cheaper, cause her friend really wanted to sell it. $10 for the concert! Worth it! Offcourse we have to pay the gas to get there and something to eat, but it's still worth it!

Now I'm in a really good mood! Concert on Saturday and soccer on Sunday will be great. Just hope we won't get home to late in Saturday though.. We wanna be home by 3 a.m. in Sunday morning as latest, haha! The trafiic might be bad, and it might take time to get out of the parking lot to.. Well, we'll see!


Felt for going out

I fell asleep fast on the cauch, but soon after the girl came down and said she couldn't sleep. She lay down with me and we cuddled there, think both of us fell asleep again! She is so cute, lay with her head on my chest and fell asleep. Got both of the kids ready for school but their mum took them to the bus, so I made all the beds and put some laundry in.

Went downstairs to see if mum was online, and she was, so I skyped with her for a while. Seems like they are fine without me home, haha ;) Miss them! But I think it is better now than it was before with my homesickness. Well, headed to the gym and worked out for an hour, my body was exhausted afterwards! Went to the bank to see how much money I had on my account, but I couldn't see it, so went inside to ask. They told me they had shut it down! Whyyy? There were some paperworks that was missing, but I filled it last Friday. The guy that I talked to was really nice, and he said they were gonna open it as soon as they could. Bt it was the headoffice that was working with the papers and he didn't know how long time it was gonna take! I got kind of mad and told him I needed my money.. But he can't do anything, so have to use my Swedish card so long, or the money I got on it.

I didn't do much today, just read a few pages and nothing more, picked the kids up at the carline but they are gonna try the bus tomorrow, to see if it's in time! Let's hope so, cause I need to take them for karate at 4.30. We played a new game when we got home, or I hadn't done it before.

Let's go fishing, it was nice, and the kids enjoyed it. We also played "Fia".

Had to pick up L at fieldhockey at 5.30 and take her home, so took the girl with me and we picked her up. The boy had soccer today. There are a lot of things now, a lot of different activities, almost something every day. But I think they enjoy it!

Texted Andrea to see if she wanted to do something, and we went to Target. And I bought some things I wanted, as usual.

Well, it is actually only one thing that I didn't need, the black softies. But they were so comfortable! The pyjamapants was also really nice! :)

Have to read a little bit now before sleeping so I don't have to do everything before class tomorrow. Also gonna try to get to the gym in the morning tomorrow, let's see!

Just have to add that I really like my hostfamily! I feel like a familymember now! :)



I got the children on the bus in the morning, and then I got back to bed for a while, didn't sleep, just rested, and it felt good. Wanted to have a break from studying today, and when I looked at the classchedule there was no class today, just individual work. Great! But I didn't understand a few things on the classchedule, so I called my teacher to ask her what to do. She explained everything, and I began looking for a researcharticle. Gonna continue tomorrow.

I was in the carline today to, it is really easy to pick the kids up at school. We went home and I gave them a snack, then I had to drive the boy to school. The girl refused to go, she said she was starving... But she had eaten two apples and some fruitsalad allready, so I told her she couldn't get anything more. Struggled with her a long time, but she didn't get anything. She got her brother late! Cause I can't leave her, that wouldn't be good. Had to hurry from driving him to school to her soccer, and we had to go home between to get her changed. She did really good, was quick! I'm impressed. It's ups and downs with her I guess. I stayed there during her practise, and it is so funny watching sixyearolds running around on the field, they are so cute. " Look, an airplane!" and everyone looked up in the air, haha! Took her home and I checked my email. My own soccerpractise wasn't cancelled as I thought, or as it was supposed to be. We were gonna play on a turffield.

Now I had to hurry! 45 minutes for dinner and getting changed until I had to leave, but I made it. The practise was really good. Rach(the other goalie) told me a lot of useful words. That's great, but there is still a lot to learn, but att least I tried talking with my players today! A step forward.

Now I'm gonna try to sleep, but the adrenalin is still in my body. Maybe I can read some pages, then I'll get tired! ;)



Got the children on the bus in the morning and then I went directly to the gym with Terese. Spent 1½ hour there, it's so much more fun when I can work out with someone! Got home and put some laundry in the machine, there were A LOT today, the twins have been here this weekend. I did laundry the whole day I think, haha.

Well, I skyped with my LOVELY mum and she told me I can get through this, there are just some nights that is harder, yesterday was one of them. Felt good talking to her and it made me feel a little bit better! :)

I also skyped with my love, I miss you too! But it's not that far until December I guess! Then I spent almost the whole day studying, or reading my book. Almose finished it before I had to tak the car to the school to pick up the kids. The carline was really easy actually, it was just to follow directions and then pick the kids up. My hostmum took the girl to her danceclass and I stayed home with the boy, cause he had a pianolesson 4.30.

I had to know where the dance is located so I drove there to pickk her up from the dance. It was a struggle now again, first time after a long time of being good. She refused to sit on her booster and she wanted to sit in the middle, but she is not allowed. I had to lift her up and put her down on the booster and buckle her... But it didn't end there, she continued to cry and screm that she didn't like that car and that she didn't want to go home to her brother. Don't know why she is saying like that about her brother, cause she most often starts the fights. Have to see tomorrow!

Finally got home and I had dinner and then continued reading. Finished it! A little bit proud of myself..

Well, tomorrow there is class at the college, and I hope it will be good. Anyway, have to read another chapter until Thursday, no rest! Hope I'll get through this..

Gonna sleep now, I'm really tired cause I couldn't fall asleep last night.



Ställde klockan för att plugga idag, hann läsa tre sidor, dvs två sidor kvar på kap 2, innan jag åkte på fotbollsträningen som var klockan 12. Åkte rätt tidigt för vi skulle träna inomhus idag, och jag hade aldrig varit där förut. Det var en rolig träning idag, mycket skott på mig! Det gillar jag!

Ukrainian Nationals, mitt lag som jag spelar med här!

Vi fick våra matchställ idag! Röd/Svarta som hemmaställ och Vita som bortaställ.

Jag fick nummer ett.

Kom hem och har inte gjort mycket i eftermiddag/kväll. Skypat med mamma/pappa och min älskade Markus! Fick veta att han lever efter en vecka i skogen, great! :)

Har även läst klart kap 2 i boken.. sedan orkade inte huvet ta in något mer idag. Allt blev bara för mycket. Jag bröt ihop och bara grät och grät och grät. Vill hem! Mamma, jag saknar dig. Känner mig just nu otroligt ensam här, behöver dina trygga armar som håller om mig! Kommer förmodligen gråta mig till sömns ikväll, men det är så ibland...

Nya tag imorrn med boken, måste läsa kap 3!


Shopping with L

Slept until I woke up today, think I needed it. Now my body feels okay again. Went upstairs and there was only my hostmum and one of the twins at home, the rest were at Karate. I had breakfast and went down to my room again. Skyped a little bit and read a few pages in my coursebook. It's really boring, but tomorrow I have to read! Need to read two chapters until the Tuesday lesson. Around 2.30 I went shopping with L, we went to Montgomery Mall. She needed some clothes for school. I wasn't supposed to shop.. But as usual I end up with something new, haha. Today there was a lot of new things. We spent around 4 hours in the mall.

My new highheels! $13! It was really cheap!

A dress, I love it!

Also bought two pair of shorts, a longsleeved shirt, a new bra, and a flower for my hair.

Had dinner when we got home and now I'm thinking about if I should go biking in the homegym or not. Think not.. Have to read I guess, but don't want to! Something else attracts me more at the moment. 

Tomorrow I have soccerpractise, indoor, cause the fields are to wet. We'll get our uniforms, looking forward to it!


A great night out (Friday 9th September)

Today the school began again, the kids were really excited to go and it was easy to get them dressed and get them ready! Felt really nice :) Put them on the bus and then I put some laundry in the machine adn get into my lovely bed again. It was easy to fall asleep again, haha. Had decided to meet up with some girls at Ihop and that breakfast was awesome!

A Pancakecombo: Chocolatechip pancakes, eggs and bacon and potato. I didn't have to eat any lunch after this breakfast. And the pancakes were delicious!

Went home and was supposed to go to he gym with Andrea but I also had to go to the bank, so didn't have time. Continued with laundry, there were a lot today! But I think it's okay, it's only fridays when it is that much. Went to pick up the kids from the schoolbus at 3.30, sat there for about 1 hour and talked some times to my hostmum,  the bus was really late! My hostmum actually came home before the bus came. Maybe I have to pick them up at school, go into the "carline", cause they sat for a long time on the bus.

Left home around 7 to go out with Terese and Chris for dinner in Doylestown. We had a great time! I like hanging out with them :) We had some icecream after dinner and just talked about so many things. We also planned i trip to DC in october.

Oreo-icecream! Yummie.

Got home kind of late so I went to bed and once again it was easy to fall asleep.


Last day at home

Today was the last day at home with the kids, and offcourse it was raining! Wanted to do something but my hostmum told me that the roads where floaded in a lot of places so she asked us to stay at home.. That was the bowling we were supposed to do today, not much to do about it, just had to figure something out to do at home! Bacause of the rain it was hard to go outside too. So they played inside and they fight a lot to each other. Had to take their Ipads and things like that to make them stop. But I can imagine they are sick and tired of spending the days with each other, happy that the school begins tomorrow.

We played in the basement the whole afternoon; baseball with bases, and the girl built a "hotel" that we could check in at and live there. She built it out of pillows and blankets and had her cuddling toys as guests too. Me and the boy got membershipcards so we could check in for free.

This is the hotel. It was fun to play actually! But there was one problem, when we were gonna pick the things up and clean she refused. I just kept telling her that if she didn't do  it, we wouldn't be able to come to the karate in time. At least she helped me a little bit! Their mum called and told me she was gonna take them over there, so I didn't have to, and their dad pick them up. Went down to my computer and sat here for a while. When the kids got home I was thinking about going to the gym, then I realized that my hostdad is on call tonight, so I didn't want to leave in case he had to leave.

Still don't know if my hostmum is home from her meating, gonna go upstairs to see, if that's the case I'll go to the gym now, otherwise I'll just skip it today.

Tomorrow school begins, will be good for the kids. Then I'm having breakfast with some girls at Ihop at 9.30, that will be nice! :) Me and Andrea is about to meet up around 11 a.m. to go to the gym tomorrow, will be great!


Finally went to the gym

Today was nice, I wasn't that tired as yesterday. The kids continued to play their Smurfsgame.. And I had to take it from the girl, cause she kept hitting her brother for some reason cause he sat in the same cauch as she did... She screamed I want the Ipad, I want the Ipad for a veeery long time. But she realized it wouldn't help I guess, cause she began playing with something else and was happy about that. I told her we needed to finish her summerpackage today before lunch and I helped her working with that. Focus was good for a while but got worse. But at least we finished it! Tried telling her how good job she was doing. The boy went up to his room and wouldn't let me in, he turned the radio on and I think he was playing on the Ipad.

After lunch I said stop for playing the Smurfsgame. We made some paperplanes and competed with them, who could throw it into the wall in fewest tries? It was fun actually!

The boy made a lot of different models and named them after how they flew in the air.

Then we played "Fia med knuff"

Me and the boy played two colours each. He won, I was really bad today, haha!

Today they had orientation at their school so their dad picked them up around 3 p.m. Felt great, had to skype with mum and get the answers for my homework. Finished the homework kind of fast and figured that I had to leave for the gym, needed to work out! Went to a spinningclass, felt good, the bad thing is that I ate pizza when I got home, haha. But anyway, at least I worked out!

Gonna read a little bit in my coursebook before sleeping tonight, cause I really need to, otherwise I'll have to read everything this weekend!


Rainy day

I was so tired today! Couldn't sleep yesterday, guess I was thinking about Markus to much. It was easy to fall asleep on the couch again. The kids woke up and they continued playing their Smurfsgame on the Ipads. Guess they like it. Couldn't let them play the whole morning so we made a "disco" upstairs in their rooms, and danced, it was fun. The girl made her own movietheatre for her cuddly toys. I also lay down there for a while to watch her movie that was shown in the roof. Kind of cool actually, cause she had a thing that showed different pictures in the roof, like a projector, and a person that told a story to the pictures.

This is her "movietheatre" I got a pillow and a blanket to have during the movie.

This is how it looked in the roof, and the picture changed when it happened something new in the story about Winnie The Pooh.

I made them lunch, crépes. Then we played a boardgame, pictionary, and they made some of their summerpackage for school, cause it's supposed to be handed in tomorrow. Have to help the girl to finish hers tomorrow. But I think it is fun helping her, but her patience isn't that good. She gives up if it's to hard.

The girls soccer was cancelled today, and so were mine so I didn't have to take her over there. Andrea texted me to see if I had something to do tonight, and I was suppose to study, so we met at Barnes and Nobles over a coffee and we were both supposed to study.. But it didn't went that well. Lucky me I don't have to go to the class on Thursday cause I'm working, otherwise I would have felt stressed over reading all the pages. The homework for Thursday is to ask my mum questions about my childhood. Have to make a try to reach her on skype tomorrow so I can get the answers! Or I have to, and think it'll be possible cause I think the kids are going to their school for orientation around 3.30 p.m. Hope so!

My day has been good if I think about that we couldn't go outside cause of the rain. Hope it's better weather tomorrow!


Packing and unpacking

Woke up early today to, the kids were fighting downstairs.. But it was great, then I had time to clean the sheets and clean the bathroom to the guestroom. I also helped as much as I could with packning all their things, cause this was probaly the last weekend at the shore this summer. We left around 11.30 and got home around 2 p.m. It was a great ride, the kids were playing the Smurfsgame and I tried to read.

When I got home I skyped with mum and Tias, wanted to say congratz to him, it's his birthday today. He's getting older ;)
I also had to do my homework, but I got stuck with the first question forever.. Took me a long time to understand the text in book I was supposed to use, and I'm not really happy about the answer I wrote either. But I guess I can't have so high expectations on myself, it a psychologycourse in another language than my native, offcourse it's difficult! But now I'm ready, and I sent in to my teacher, cause I have t work tomorrow, so I can't go the class.

Have to continue reading tomorrow, cause I have to read chapter two until tomorrow... But I can't, so I'll read in until Thurday. one chapter behind allready! Will be tough! Have to catch up. Hard work this coming weekend though.

Now I'm gonna sleep so I can raise up as usual tomorrow!

Another picture of the sun going down, it's so beautiful, I love it!


A day at the beach

Woke up from the sounds of the children around 7 so got up downstairs and watched some TV with them. Then I went back to bed again, was to tired! Around 11 a.m. we went down to the beach and brought all of the things we needed. It wasn't far from the house, we just crossed the street and then we were at the beach, I like it! I played in the ocean with the girl for a while and then I watched then boogie board, it looked fun, but I didn't dare trying, to shy. The water wasn't that cold actually, it was not like home. We stayed at the beach until 4 p.m. and thn we went back to the house. I really anjoy just laying down on my towel with a book on the beach, but I got sick and tired of human development so closed it. Slow reader! We had dinner at home and I tried to open my homework document at the computor, but it didn't work, so I just had to read all the pages... After dinner I bought a coffee and went to the boardwalk, it was nice sitting there reading, I could really focus with the sound of the ocean in the background, so relaxing!

I needed to go back to get a key before they got to bed so I asked them if it was okay if I took a key and came home later, cause I wanted to walk around and just enjoy the beach and the boardwalk. They said it was okay so I began walking on the boardwalk, but stopped to take some pictures.

Sitting on a bench watching the sun go down made me feel so good!

I continued walking and stopped to listen  to some music on a festival on the beach. There I met some friends, some of them new ones and some of them other Au Pairs, and we bought icecream and sat on a bench talking. When I said I was going home one of the boys wanted to walk me home, he said it wasn't safe for me walking by myself. So he did that and he even carried my bag and my shoes, what a gentleman! We talked about everything, it was so easy talking to him. When we got closer to the shorehouse we sat down on the rocks and continued talking and watching the stars and listened to the ocean, just like in a movie! I went home around 12.30 a.m. and that probably was the first and last time I'll see that guy, (Cause I never give my number or facebook out), but we had a great time.

I just love the beach, I could live there instead of here, haha! It was so relaxing down there! I have to thank my hostparents for letting me come! :)


Saturday 3rd of September

Today me and Terese slept as long as we could and then went right to the train. We made it with the 11 a.m. train, that was good! In Philly we began walking towards the Rocky Stairs.

Strange art here, right Elin? ;)

Huge Domino's!

Me and Rocky!

After seeing Rocky and the stairs we went to 30th trainstation cause my train to Atlantic City left from there 2.40 p.m. I got on the trian and Terese went to meet some other friends. At the train I began reading the coursebook, but it was really hard! So many strange words, only read like 10 pages in 1½ hours trainride. My hostdad picked me up at the trainstation and we went to their shorehouse in Margate to pich up the rest of the family for dinner.

We went to a fancy restaurant, the food was really nice! The kids wanted to go to Ocean City after dinner to play miniaturegolf, it was only 15 minutes by car to get there. I lost the miniaturegolf, the boy was to good for me, haha. Around 8 p.m. we went home and I took my stuffs to the guestroom. Theie shorehouse is almost bigger than my mum and dad's house at home in Sweden! But I really liked it, it was so modern, and to be that close to the beach.

Went to bed and continued reading, sooo boring in the beginning. Hope it'll get better. Fell asleep kind of early.


NY city

The train left from Gwynedd Valley trainstation 7.15 a.m. Or at least was supposed too, but it was late! When we got to Philly we had to run to the bus that was gonna take us to New York, but we made it! We began with walking through Times Square and went to Rockefeller Center, we wanted to see the view over New York.

The Empire State building in the middle.

Central park.

We went so Central Park and lay down there for about 2 hours. It was really nice!

This was our day in New York City. We walked back to Times Square on some smaller streets, that was nice, we just explored Manhattan(At least a part of it). The bus came 40 minutes late, so we were home in Philly about 10.20 p.m.

Now we are gonna sleep, tomorrow will be a nice day in Philly and then I head to Atlantic City and the shorehouse!


First day off

I raised up around 6 today and fell asleep on the cough again, it is so easy doing that! When the kids got up we played some boardgames and then the clock suddenly was 11 a.m. and the family left to the shorehouse. I was alone in the house. Talked on skype for a while and lay down by the pool reading my book. The swedish one.. Felt for doing that. At 12.15 I left home to go to the college, my first class today! Nervous... I think the teacher seemed to be really nice and she understood the Au Pair thing. But I'll get 25 less points if I miss more then two lessons.. Gonna talk to my hostmum about it on saturday or sunday, maybe there is a possibility to only miss one class next week! A playdate or something. Well, I got my first homework that is supposed to be done this tuesday, it was a lot of questions and I have to read the whole chapter one in the textbook! Different from home, a lot! The schedule seem to be tough but I'm gonna make it, at least try! My head tells me to do my best and I really want to do good, as I use to do!

After class I figured I had to buy the textbook somewhere and also buy a soccerball for soccer and fix some pictures for the socceridentification-cards. So I went home to grab some lunch and then went to the mall.

Montgomery Mall is kind of big, but in the right size so you can find things in there without getting lost! I fixed the pictures and bought  soccerball. Just the book left. Went to two different bookstores but they didn't have it, so I had to go back to Montco  Campus again, and there I found it. But it's insane with the studies here1 I bought a used book for $100. How am I supposed to afford everything.. But I bought it and now I've got it!

This is the pictures and the textbook. I also bought highliters and a pen. Now I'm ready..I think! Chapter one is about 40 pages by the way, full with text. But I can do it!

I got home from the mall around six and ate some dinner. Left for soccer around 7.15 p.m. and there I signed the paperworks and my ID-card.

My brand new soccerball, I wrote my initials on it so it won't dissapear.

No we are talking! This is how I used to look at home when I had been doing a soccerpractise. It's getting better, learning how they play now and they are really good. The ball is almost allways on the ground and they are really good players, better team then home I guess. But my heart still belongs in Stöde!

Getting a shower now cause we are leaving around 7 a.m. tomorrow to Philly to take the bus at 8.30 to NY! Will be awesome. Terese will sleep here tomorrow night, gonna be fun! :)


I like it

Fell asleep on the couch as usual today, and didn't even wake up when my hostmum left for work as I use to do, think I was really tired! The girl woke me up and she wanted to watch Smurfs. Then the boy joined us and we sat in the couch and just cuddled. It was nice! They lay on one leg each when I sat and watched. I needed to make some laundry and so on so I left them in the couch. The pianoteacher came at 9 a.m. and me and the girl played while he was practising.
Afterwards we went outside to play on the swings and the trampoline. Also played some soccer. Enjoyed playing outside for about two hours. Made them lunch and they made some of their summerwork from school. Kind of proud that I made the girl to make some of hers, it's not so easy to motivate her! Helped her and she did really good.

The boy had a birthdayparty to go to in Doylestown, around 35 minutes from home, so we left around 1.30 p.m. Took the girl too, and she wanted to stay, so she borrowed a swimsuit so she could play in the pool. I met Chris again, really enjoy talking to her, it's really nice! I had to leave to pick up the twins cause my hostdad was late from work today. But we'll meet soon again :) Took the twins to their practises and while I was waiting for the boy of the twin to be ready I went to take a coffee.

Love the coffee at Dunkin Donuts. They´ve got the best Iced Caramel Latte! I read a few pages in my book too. Drove home with the twinboy and then I could relax for today! Nice. Texted Andrea to see if she wanted to do something, and we went to Barnes and Nobles that's also got a Starbucks to have a coffee, I also bought a calander and a notebook for my course at college. My second coffee today! We didn't want to go home so we went to Target that is close from there. As usual when I go there I end up with something new...

Bought all these things for $50! Like it!

Have to sleep now. My first day att college tomorrow, a little bit nervous. Have to find my way to the classroom and so on! But it'll be fine. My hostmum told me that I could get up to 6 o clock tomorrow, half hour more sleep in the morning is a lot! They are not working tomorrow, just a little bit from home, cause they are leaving for the shore around 11 a.m. My plans for the weekend changed, just gonna do a daytrip to NY on friday, cause all the hostels were fully booked. But it's okey! Me and Terese will have fun anywway. Maybe going to the shore on saturday to see how it is there, will be great.
I'm off until tuesday morning, a lot of fun this weekend then! :)

I am happy to see that it work out so good with the kids now. They are really nice and I like them a lot! :)


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