Nice end of the weekend
Sunday I had a soccer game.. which I played really bad in! I even got subbed out with 30 misn left of the game, first time I've ever been subbed out as a goalie. Anyway, he wanted me to play as a left defense, but of course, for the first time in forever, I didn't have my jersay in my bag. From now on I'll keep it in there. Anyway, not a good start of the day. But, the rest of the Sunday was great!
I went to the movies with Ying, we watched Titanic in 3D, it was pretty cool. After that we went for dinner at TGi, also great. I drove her home since it's on the way and then went over to watch the Flyers game at Steve's house. They lost... again! Let's see if they can manage to make a win tonight, since they have to. However, I spent some time with Steve just talking and planning for the summer. It is gonna be an awesome summer! We are talking about taking a weekend trip to Maine, that would be cool! :) Rooooadtrip, haha.
Now it is Tuesday, and I didn't go to class today since there was a guy that needed access in the basement. I don't mind tho..
Gonna go to CVS now to print some more pictures for my scrapbook, I am making progress, haha ;)
When I was in NYC with Rieke in April, Brooklyn Bridge.