Having fun
It's been a regular work week, not a lot of difficulties and not too much work. My hostparents are just wonderful! I love them! They really want to spend time with their kids :) (Shouldn't every parent want that?) Anyway, last night, Friday, I went to the movies with Nico, Anne and Rieke, it was a good movie.. "The lucky one". I cried, haha. Couldn't help it. Me and Anne had "dinner" after. At midnight, cause neither of us really had time to eat before the movie.
It was amazing this morning, I felt like I was in heaven, could sleep in for the first time in like forever! No alarm set! Sooo rested when I woke up. No plans today either, so me and Nico just came up with some ideas, and ended up in Valley Forge Historical National Park. It was so nice there, and so beautiful. I really like the nature. Took some nice pictures, which Rebecca have on her phone. Maybe I'll get them some day..
After we ended up at King of Prussia mall, I bought a dress, so cool! Since we are probably going out in NYC next weekend. woop woop! Going to be awesome, I just hope that Rebecca gets off from work! :)
Soccer game tomorrow, and again I feel so grateful to my hostparents, they really want me to be able to play, even but they need me to drive tomorrow. My hostmom said she'll be okay anyway. Happy girl!!