Awesome weekend!
The rest os the week after Tuesday just passed by as usual, work, gym, soccer.. Time is running away!
Anyway, Friday...
Rebecca had some friends from Sweden on vacation in NYC, and they asked her if she wanted to bring some friends and come there, and of course!! Somewhere to sleep too, I didn't mind, haha.
We left Philly around 9.30 and came to NYC at 11.30, then we took the metro to their rental apartment. And how nice, had some drinks and then we went out around 1.30 or something. Was out and got back to the apartment after eating something around 3.30 a.m. And, we were supposed to sleep on an air maddress, but nooo way, haha. We split us up, so one guy and one girl in each bed. Didn't mind that either, hahaha. Anyway, we ended up sleeping like 2 hours, between 6 and 8 I guess.
Saturday we spent in central park, a little hangover and just a little bit tired, just a tiny bit. 28 degrees celcius and sunshine... could have been nice, but not like that, haha. I guess I was back home here in the house at 7 p.m after driving Nico home. Nice!
I took a looong shower and then I just sat down in the chair out on the deck and read a book. So nice. I fell asleep out there, and would probably have slept there if Steve wouldn't have called.. Awake again. Good thing I guess. We just spent some time together, and then I went home, and to bed.
Pictures from Saturday. It was great, totally awesome, almost felt like being at home again, speaking Swedish all the time and just having a home party kind of. I like it!
Anyway, Sunday means soccer game, and today we played pretty well.. We lost, but it's nothing I can say anything about, we didn't have any subs and it was 30 degrees and the sun was just soo hot! It was fun anyway, just a little sad it was my last game on this team. It has been so much fun playing with them.
I just lay down when I got back from the game, outside by the pool with my book. Then Rebecca came over with salad and we had that for dinner. Laughed a lot about Friday, and talked a lot. NYC, definitely gonna go out there again ;)
I think I'll go to bed early today, I am so tired, feels like soemthing ran over me and hit me hard in the head, haha. Friday is coming back...