Today it is a study day! A BIG one. Really need to do this now.. And I've actually done a lot allready. It's just the thing with getting started, and then I am all into it.

Pretty nice now actually, feels good, and hopefully I'll finish my essay today!
Bad night and morning
Last night I just couldn't sleep, I was thinking about home and mum, and how much I needed her here, just to hold me and say that everything was gonna be okay. I couldn't stop crying, it just kept on going. Decided to call mum from skype on her cellphone. I guess that was a good idea, she calmed me down and I felt a little bit better. Oh my god, I must have freaked her out when I was calling and just couldn't stop crying.. My mum is wonderful! Best ever!
Well, this morning my alarm didn't ring... So when I looked at the clock, it was 6.51. oh my god! You know the panic you feel when you realize you've been sleeping too long? Today I was 1½ hours late. And usually I wake the girl up at 6.15, cause she is so slow in the morning.. It was pretty good, ran upstairs and woke her up and she just like jumped out of bed, maybe I should try saying that we are late every morning, wake her up later.. But don't wanna rush her too much.
I appologized, off course, to my hostmum and she said it was fine, just told me to turn the alarm clock on my bed table on. So now that one is also set to 5.15 in the morning. I want to be sure to get up tomorrow! Two alarms should be alright, right?

Hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow in time... Or I will, usually I wake up before the alarm goes on so shouldn't be a problem. Looking forward to my day, not! Studying the whole day long, mixed with doing some laundry. Really need to get started with my essay now.. And should study for my final exam too. But I'll finish this essay first, then begin with the finals.
Tired as...
Yes, I am really really tired. Again! Don't really know what is wrong, it is so hard falling asleep at night. I need Markus here to hold me, definitily. I never had a problem at home. My lovely boy, I miss you!
These feelings are so strong sometimes, the feelings that I just want to go home and feel safe and loved at home again. But in the other way, I love it here, and when I think about it in that way it gets a little bit better. The kids are awesome, and my family is so nice. Just love them.
So why not think about in a positive way, only a month until my parents, sister and boyfriend comes to visit me for a long lovely week.

It is good times here!
Finished my essay
After putting the kids on the bus today I slept until 10.30 and then I went back upstairs and finished writing my essay about Astrid. And now I am done! Woohooo!
My hostmum got home early today, so I just went to pick the kids up from school and then we played outside for a while, until I needed to leave, to pick my car up and drop the Pilot off, haha. Pick one car up and drop the other one off, well, things that happen. I went to Target and bought some necessary things, like a new toothbrush and stuff. Back home I just changed and went to the gym.
Now I am home, been taking a shower and now it is time for bed, I am really really tired today, since I couldn't sleep yesterday...
Dålig uppdatering
Ja, jag har inte uppdaterat på hela helgen, men har liksom glömt bort det lite... Haft så mycket annat för mig och annat att tänka på!
Iaf, på fredag dag var jag hos Chris och umgicks med henne och på fredag kväll gjorde jag och Terese tacos, det var mums! Härliga svenska tacos, haha. Sedan hände det en liten olycka, men ingen större fara som tur är :) Det var väl i princip min fredag, bara slappa och ha det mys.
På lördag gjorde jag en intervju på morgonen via skype med pappas faster för en skoluppgift eftersom det gick lite åt skogen när jag hade planerat in att göra den.. Men tack och lov så ställde söta Astrid upp på den, vilken kruttant hon är, 82 år och pigg och alert! Imponerande. Stort tack till henne iaf, för att hon kunde göra det med så kort varsel.
Becca ringde lite senare på dagen rätt precis då jag hade skrivit klart intervjun ( en uppsats) och frågade om jag ville gå på gymmet, sure sa jag. Hon hämtade mig då jag inte har någon bil nu.. och vi hade jätteroligt på gymmet. Jag hade ärligt lite roligt åt henne, haha. Hon är typ superotränad och vi kunde skämta om det, haha. Underbar flicka det där! Vi måste definitivt börja umgås mer. Efter det dumpade hon mig hemma och jag gjorde klyftpotatis och stekte kyckling.. det var verkligen mums. Det enda som saknades var beasåsen, Markus, du kanske kan ta med lite i resväskan?! Haha.
Det blev bara en kväll hemma framför tv:n, kikade på Pretty Woman och hade datorn i knät. Rätt skönt att inte göra nånting alls..

Vaknade på söndag morgon kring elva och gick upp och hämtade min tvätt(som jag gjorde kl 1 på lördag natt, fick nån dum idé där..) och gjorde frukost. Gled in en sväng på facebook och såg massa bilder från första advent, och började tänka. Grötmiddag, tända första ljuset, glögg och pepparkakor hemma hos mamma och pappa. Alla samlade hemma.. Fick en plötslig hemlängtan! Skypade med mamma och pappa och grät en skvätt, saknar er nåt enormt idag! Älskade, älskade, underbara familj!
Iaf, Chris ville muntra upp mig lite, så hon kom och hämtade mig hemma, eftersom jag sa att jag inte hade någon bil... Och hon frågade om vi skulle åka lite skridskor, vore ju kul tänkte jag, men billlös. Så snällt av henne att hämta mig, det var ju liksom helt fel håll! Vi åkte skridkor med Terese och Jessica i typ en timme. De gav mig konståkningskridskor, HERREGUD säger jag bara, haha. Ni skulle sett mig på isen... Tog och bytte rätt snabbt till hockeyrör, och så mycket bättre det blev ;)
Det bar sedan av till Starbucks för lite kaffe, drack min nya favvo, Gingerbread Latte, mums! Bör provas. Vi satt och pratade massa skit i typ två timmar, sedan var vi hungriga, så käkade Hamburgare på Burger King för att efter det strosa runt lite på Marshalls, awesome. Går inte annat än älska den affären! Erika, du kommer älska den! Jag köpte en ny sporttop, ett par träningsbyxor, och ett träningslinne för 40 dollar = 280 kr. Billigt och bra!
Nu känns det dock som att jag ska svimma när som helst, huvudvärk nå jävulskt och mår allmänt inte bra...
Ska se vad jag hittar i skåpet i köket, försöka sova iaf!
Thanksgiving at Chris' house
I slept in on Thursday morning and I felt so good! Got ready to go to Chris and I was there around 3.30 p.m. A lot of people and a lot of food.. Og my god! But this is Thanksgiving, so nice! A huge dinnertable and all the relatives around, must be nice. I enjoyed it, and it is nice to experience a big holiday here!
We were waiting for the clock to be Midnight so we could go on the big famous Black Friday Sale. Well, me and Chris went to Target, and I can just say one word.. OMG! Haha.. The line was huge, or huge isn't enough. Cool, but we decided not to get in the line, we went to Montgomery Mall instead, so much more worth it. I shoppad for 130 dollars. But got a lot of things, a lot! Boots, two pair of jeans, and some shirts.. We had a lot of fun, and we came home around 5 a.m. INSANE!
We were waiting for the clock to be Midnight so we could go on the big famous Black Friday Sale. Well, me and Chris went to Target, and I can just say one word.. OMG! Haha.. The line was huge, or huge isn't enough. Cool, but we decided not to get in the line, we went to Montgomery Mall instead, so much more worth it. I shoppad for 130 dollars. But got a lot of things, a lot! Boots, two pair of jeans, and some shirts.. We had a lot of fun, and we came home around 5 a.m. INSANE!

Me sitting in the cauch waiting for the clock to be midnight so we could go.

The line outside Target, don't know if you can see it that well, but it was very, very, very long!

Me and Chris, at 3 a.m in the morning, shopping!
Wednesday 11/23
On Wednesday the girl went to school and I had a day at home. They had an early dismission day in school, so the kids got home around 1 p.m. and my hostmum was already home so we had a good time, eating lunch and then got ready to pick up my car at the company which was gonna fix the car.
Well, we all got into the car and went to pick up the car... but... they had not even touched the car... So, I still have to drive my hostdad's car. But I like the car, it is awesome, haha.
On Wednesday night I just put my Pj's on and watched a movie. It was really nice, some alone time :)
Sick little girl
Today, as I figured yesterday, the girl stayed home from school with fever. She was very tired and looked so miserable. Well, she ate breakfast and I made her crepes with nutella for lunch but there wasn't more. And I sat with her in the cauch watching tv and I played an easy game with her.. Well, she mostly wanted to lay down, and off course! I sat with her and she lay against me, she was like.. so hot, her body was very warm, so even I began sweating. That was pretty much our day, except picking the boy up from school and driving him to hebrew school.
I was thinking about going to the gym, but I am too tired after a whole day just staying inside. So just gonna get ready for bed pretty soon and read a little bit in my coursebook.

Ukrainian Nationals 2011. (Most of us) This picture is taken after the game on Sunday.
Well, sleep tight
Freezing cold
Put the kids on the bus and then I just waited for the girls to come over for a powerwalk. We were out for about 50 minutes and then me and Terese was talking for one more hour before she realized she needed to go home and do laundry.. ;)
But, anyway, I don't know what is wrong with me, I am tired all the time and I am always freezing! And now I have been sleeping good for many nights. I have no idea.. Gonna turn the heat up a little bit in the basement, see if it gets better.
My hostmum got home early today, so she picked the kids up from school and then I took them when they got home, she needed to do some work. The girl was sleeping from she got home until... like when I left for the gym, at 6.45. and she was sleeping now when I got back home. Think she had fever. Well.. let's see tomorrow. I am pretty happy now, I did 40 minutes on the eliptical and then 15 minutes strenght and then another 25 minutes of swimming. It feels good, and I liked showering at the gym, and being in the sauna for a while after working out.

I can ensure you that this is really good workut, I feel it in my whole body!
Now it's time for bed again, feel so tired as I said...
Saturday I began working at 6 a.m. and then I picked up the kid's basketballs and shirts for the Saturdaybasket they are gonna do from now on when soccer ends. On my way home I stopped at the soccerfield, really wanted to see their last games. It was fun and I had a lot of clothes on so I could watch the games without freezing my ass off! I had a great time and then I went back home, and we drove my car to the company who is gonna fix the bump in the front. (My hostdad made it, not me) Well, they are so nice to me, I can use my hostdad's car so I won't be stuck at home all the time.
After that my hostmum took the kids groceryshopping and I went to the gym, it felt good. Me and Terese decided to go bowling and afterwards we had dinner at Friendly's. And btw, Terese totally outperformed me in bowling, but we had fun!

Sunday I also began working at 6 a.m. and then I got ready for soccer when my hostmum got back home. It ws the last soccergame in the league today, probably the last one for this season. We played the team in our league that no team has scored on and they had won all of their games. Well, we kept it up pretty good, 0-0 in halftime. Then we scored; 1-0! They evened it out and finally managed to score, so we lost with 2-1. BUT, it was the best game we have played this season, really good, impressive!
Well, got home and kind of waited for Chris to call, we were going to the gym to do some workout and then the sauna and hot tub afterwards. Terese also joined us, and we spent about 1½ hour ijust relaxing. It felt so good!
Now I am back home and think I'll sleep early tonight, wat to feel rested tomorrow, and Chris and Terese is coming over for a powerwalk in the morning, will be fun.
Sweet dreams
Birthday dinner for Chris and Breaking Dawn
Yes, Thursday wasn't more than nothing to do during the day and then the birthday dinner for Chris in the night. We had a great time and she laughted a lot when she got mine and Terese´s present. So did we.. just an internal joke, the others didn't get anything, haha, but we had fun about it, Jack and Jill, don't have to say more.... I had a great time and Chris said she felt important in my life when I just didn't go to soccer cause I wanted to come to her dinner.. Well, she is! :)
Today, Friday, the kids were home from school, some kind of conference day in school again for the teachers. Well, they played really good with each othet the whole morning and they loved my "Smore's Pancakes" I made them for breakfast. Good beginning. Both of them were having friends over later, at around 2 p.m. Around 1 I told them to put the clothes on(they were still in PJ's cause I didn't feel like they needed to get dressed. The girl gave me a hard time, she was arguing about everything, and I really mean everything! Well, at last she put her clothes on and brushed her hair. Finally!
Theie friends came over and they had a great time playing. We were outside, played on the hockeygame inside, played pool and then xbox. A lot of fun. I just supervised them, didn't really want me to be too close, haha. I just watched them so nothing happened.
My hostparents got home and Rebecca texted me about going to the new Twilight movie; Breaking Dawn. And I didn't have to think about it, off course, I've read all the books! We had a great time and we said one more time that we should spend more time together, haha. Have to do something about it now... And one more thing, I actually did curls in my hair with the straightener today, wohoo!
Erika, now I know ( just by trying), and it wasn't hard. I just did it! :)

The result! :)
Gonna sleep now, need it, working weekend this weekend.
Good night
Test day and out for lunch
Tuesday I put the kids on the bus and then I had breakfast with Terese, Chris couldn't come. We had fun and talked about memories from High School, haha. A lot of fun! Then I did some last minute studies for the test and went to the college to write it. Felt pretty good afterwards actually. I picked teh kids up from school and drove the boy to Hebrew School at 4.30 and went back home and played a lot of games with the girl, we had a great time again.
Didn't have time to go to soccerpractice, so fell asleep instead, and I think it was needed, felt rested today!
Today I did almost all the laundry before 12, cause me and a new girl, Anny, were going out for lunch. I also boiled the potatoes for my "potatisbullar" or potato pancakes as they call it here. The lunch was nice and we talked about physics and match and so on, finally someone who is interested in studying and science...
When I got back home I began doing my potato pancakes, it was a little bit hard frying them, but I succeeded. 1 hour later and I had them ready! The kids actaully liked them, L(the twin) likes them and the boy ate a lot of them too. Happy girl, something good anyway..
AND......... I got the result from the test; 46/50 which means an A! Double happiness!
All my happiness just needed to go out somewhere, so I spent two hours at the gym; 30 minutes on the treadmill, 1 hour on the eliptical and then 30 minutes with the machines. I just have to tell you this..
I was sitting there doing some excercises for my thighs when I felt like someone was watching me. And I was right. I took my headphones out, cause a guy that was working there began talking to me, and my first thought was that I did the excercise in the wrong way..
- Are you cold?
- Eeehm.. no.. Not when I am working out.
- Where are you from again? (never talked to him before, couldn't know that)
- Sweden..
- Oh, me and the guys over there were just talking about you and I said that you haven't got that typical american look..
- Haha, okay, so I look Swedish?
- No, just not american. But still pretty though.
I said thank you, was pretty chocked, haha. Then he left. Couldn't stop laughing about it later. Still think it was funny, you haven't got that typical american look, haha.. What is typical american?
Well, gonna shower now and look up some information about Philly and USA for the kids tomorrow(mum's kids)
Sleep tight
Sleeping and studying
I got up in time, with about 3 hours of sleep in my body and got the kids on the bus, did everything and then I got back to bed, and how nice that was after the night. Slept until 11.30 and then I took my books and began studying for the test tomorrow. Will be interesting.. I studied for abot 2 hours and then I picked the kids up from school. Dance and Piano as usual on Mondays and then I was off.
I actually went out jogging tonoght, actually impressed by myself, cause I find it so boring! But it was okay, hopefully it'll get better if I get out more often...
Now I'm gonna shower and then I'll read a little more and then sleep early, actually tired. Will have breakfast with the girls tomorrow, will be great!
I actually went out jogging tonoght, actually impressed by myself, cause I find it so boring! But it was okay, hopefully it'll get better if I get out more often...
Now I'm gonna shower and then I'll read a little more and then sleep early, actually tired. Will have breakfast with the girls tomorrow, will be great!
Foo Fighters Concert at Madison Square Garden
On Sunday I had a soccergame, we tied; 4-4. A step forward, we scored as many goals as we've done through the whole season. Then I hurried home and took a shower and then went to Mirja's place to go with them to Trenton and take the train from Trenton - NYC and meet up with Chris and Terese at Madison Square Garden.
Everything went fine and suddenly we were in Madison Square Garden, what a feeling! Oh my god! Unbelievable, so much people and everybody was like jumping and screaming and singing. Insane! The floor was shaking were we sat and I really enjoyed the concert. We left before Foo Fighters were done though, cause Mirja had a curfew, and she was the one who drove from Trenton so we had to leave. But still, it was incredible!

We got home pretty late, but the concert was worth it. Sooo nice!
Everything went fine and suddenly we were in Madison Square Garden, what a feeling! Oh my god! Unbelievable, so much people and everybody was like jumping and screaming and singing. Insane! The floor was shaking were we sat and I really enjoyed the concert. We left before Foo Fighters were done though, cause Mirja had a curfew, and she was the one who drove from Trenton so we had to leave. But still, it was incredible!

We got home pretty late, but the concert was worth it. Sooo nice!
Friday night and Saturday with Chris
Yes, the Friday passed by really quickly, with some studies for the test with Ying and then the girl and I played outside in the leaves, we made a huge leavepile and jumped in it, felt like 5 years old again, haha. After that I made her dinner and then went down to my room to get all the things I needed for a sleepover at Chris' house. Suddenly the girl was in my room when I got back from the bathroom and she was so cute. Wanted to have her own sleepover with me, haha. Antoher time maybe, another time! Me and Chris the other way, we watched Sex and the City and fell asleep at 11 p.m., exhausted girls, haha.
Saturday my thought was to study, but Chris convinced me to go with her and two other girls to a footbll game in Princeton. Princeton University - Yale Univeristy. So cool. Another thing than the Eagles game, cause here there were so many things going on around, and in the pauses. I like it! We also looked around a little bit on the campus since Princeton University is pretty famous..

When we got home we met up with Terese as Marshalls and I bought a winter coat, a more fancy one, and a hat.

Now I am ready for the winter!
We had dinner and then Chris came up with the great idea to go and watch Jack and Jill at the movie theatre, awesome! The movie was sooo good! We laughted alomst through the whole movie. Worth seeing. After the movie we felt for going to Coldstone for some icecream, and it was also sooo good. I just love Coldstone. We talked girls talk, haha. A lot of fun!
Now I am home, gonna sleep so I have energy for the soccergame tomorrow, and then the Foo Fighters Concert in Madison Square Garden, will be great! Hmm... the studies.. will try doing some tomorrow, and Monday after catching up some sleep after the concert, cause we'll get home really late tomorrow!
Saturday my thought was to study, but Chris convinced me to go with her and two other girls to a footbll game in Princeton. Princeton University - Yale Univeristy. So cool. Another thing than the Eagles game, cause here there were so many things going on around, and in the pauses. I like it! We also looked around a little bit on the campus since Princeton University is pretty famous..

When we got home we met up with Terese as Marshalls and I bought a winter coat, a more fancy one, and a hat.

Now I am ready for the winter!
We had dinner and then Chris came up with the great idea to go and watch Jack and Jill at the movie theatre, awesome! The movie was sooo good! We laughted alomst through the whole movie. Worth seeing. After the movie we felt for going to Coldstone for some icecream, and it was also sooo good. I just love Coldstone. We talked girls talk, haha. A lot of fun!
Now I am home, gonna sleep so I have energy for the soccergame tomorrow, and then the Foo Fighters Concert in Madison Square Garden, will be great! Hmm... the studies.. will try doing some tomorrow, and Monday after catching up some sleep after the concert, cause we'll get home really late tomorrow!
Tidig morgon och tankarna flödar
Ja, precis så är det, klockan är bara åtta och jag har suttit här sedan jag kom tillbaka och tänkt på pappa. Hur glad jag är att ha honom och hur otroligt mycket jag saknar honom!
Pappa, hoppas du läser det här, du är bäst! En fighter!
Pappa, Jag älskar dig!
Jag älskar dig också mamma! Vad skulle jag göra utan er två?

I adore you.
Pappa, hoppas du läser det här, du är bäst! En fighter!
Pappa, Jag älskar dig!
Jag älskar dig också mamma! Vad skulle jag göra utan er två?

I adore you.
Class day
Yes, today I was supposed to study, but it was kind of hard actually, cause I had no idea about what to focus on, so I just did some things and then I went to class for review fot the test and going through Ch. 11 and 12. Ooh, I almost forgot, in the morning I was talking to mum's class on skype, they asked me some questions and I told them about their assignment for the english class. Think they enjoyed it, and now I got something to do for next week too, have to tell them about Philly. Gotta think about it so I know what to tell them, but I can probably ask mum about that too! :)
The bus for the kids were pretty late today so they just had time to have a snack and then I drove them to karate. Stayed there and waited for them, cause it was just stupid to go home and then my hostmum pick them up, cause she was allready home. And there were so much trafic, so just sat down and read my book. The book is really good(Thank you mum!) I enjoy reading it. Well, took the kids home afterwards and we had dinner, and I feel too tired for soccer today, I am like totally lost in my head, was so tired when I drove the kids home. So now I am just gonna read a little bit more and then my bed is waiting for me.

The bus for the kids were pretty late today so they just had time to have a snack and then I drove them to karate. Stayed there and waited for them, cause it was just stupid to go home and then my hostmum pick them up, cause she was allready home. And there were so much trafic, so just sat down and read my book. The book is really good(Thank you mum!) I enjoy reading it. Well, took the kids home afterwards and we had dinner, and I feel too tired for soccer today, I am like totally lost in my head, was so tired when I drove the kids home. So now I am just gonna read a little bit more and then my bed is waiting for me.

Fall pictures
I have told myself to be stubborn in the morning now with the girl, that she should get dressed by herself, cause otherwise she'll never learn. I know she can do it, I just don't know why she doesn't. Well, in the end she got dressed and everything was fine. Good. Since my hostmum put the kids on the bus I did everything and then went back to bed for a while. Slept too long. Think I turned the alarm off, cause I woke up again 9.45 and was supposed to leave for Chris at 10.. Didn't really succeed with that, haha. And then there wasa lot of trafiic too, took forever to get here.
Well, me, Chris and Terese went to Peace and Valley Park to take some nice fall pictures, and we sat for an hour in the sun by the lake just talking. It was really warm today, must have been at least 15 degrees.

Just some of all the pictures we took today! Can't upload them all.
We had fun and on the way back to Chris' house we went to WaWa and bought a sandwich for lunch. I went back home and picked the kids up from the bus, then we played in the livingroom. The girl had her own restaurant, and we made the menu's together while the boy was doing his homework. We had a lot of fun and the menu's looked good too. Then we had dinner when the twins got home and afterwards me and the girl continued playing in the basement until her bedtime. Actually had a great time with her today, and she seemed to enjoy to get all the attention once :)
Didn't study for the test next Tuesday, as I was supposed to do, but will begin doing that tomorrow, or have to do that tomorrow before class. And I am also gonna talk to my mum's 3rd graders over skype in english about an excercise they are gonna do in class, will be fun!
Well, me, Chris and Terese went to Peace and Valley Park to take some nice fall pictures, and we sat for an hour in the sun by the lake just talking. It was really warm today, must have been at least 15 degrees.

Just some of all the pictures we took today! Can't upload them all.
We had fun and on the way back to Chris' house we went to WaWa and bought a sandwich for lunch. I went back home and picked the kids up from the bus, then we played in the livingroom. The girl had her own restaurant, and we made the menu's together while the boy was doing his homework. We had a lot of fun and the menu's looked good too. Then we had dinner when the twins got home and afterwards me and the girl continued playing in the basement until her bedtime. Actually had a great time with her today, and she seemed to enjoy to get all the attention once :)
Didn't study for the test next Tuesday, as I was supposed to do, but will begin doing that tomorrow, or have to do that tomorrow before class. And I am also gonna talk to my mum's 3rd graders over skype in english about an excercise they are gonna do in class, will be fun!
Tuff tisdag
Ja, idag var en tuff dag redan från början. Fick börja med att bråka med tjejen om att hon skulle klä på sig själv på morgonen, sedan bråkade de vid frukosten och blev nästan sen till bussen. Jag gick ner till mitt rum och slumrade en stund, sedan förberedde jag mig för min muntliga presentation som jag skulle ha idag.. Uscha, prata inför folk på svenska gör ju mig nervös! Kändes inte alls bra då jag åkte till lektionen. Det kändes inte som om det gick så bra heller, tomatrött ansikte kändes det som och glömde en massa... Men jaa, inte mycket man kan göra åt saken.
Fortsatt bråk med tjejen i bilen på väg hem då jag hämtat dem på skolan.. Hon var tröttt, ville vila i bilen, vilket hon fick. Men vägrade ha på sig säkerhetsbältet ordentligt. Försökte och försökte förklara om att det var för hennes säkerhet osv osv... Men jaa, hon vägrade lyssna. Fick stanna till slut och bli arg. Hon skrek typ hela vägen hem. Blev inte bättre hemma, då jag anser att hon kan bära iaf lite av sina grejer in från bilen vilket hon också vägrade.. Till slut tog hon in det, för idag var jag envis! Hon skrek nu igen och sedan när jag skjutsade pojken till Hebrew school så somnade hon i bilen, förmodligen var hon kinkig för att hon var för trött innan med! Hon sov väl kanske 10 min, så jag hjälpte henne in då vi kom hem igen. Hon ville bara lägga sig och sova.. Så hon fick väl ta en nap då tänkte jag.
Lite lugnt, tack och lov. Min värdpappa kom hem och skulle ta med henne för klippning av håret, så jag väckte henne, vilket var svårt, hon var ju typ helt borta. Måste varit otroligt trött!
Själv åt jag lite middag och sedan iväg på fotbollsträning, vilket inte heller gick så bra. Helt enkelt, en tuff dag idag! Nya tag imorrn, ska fota lite höstbilder med Chris, blir nog roligt! :)
Fortsatt bråk med tjejen i bilen på väg hem då jag hämtat dem på skolan.. Hon var tröttt, ville vila i bilen, vilket hon fick. Men vägrade ha på sig säkerhetsbältet ordentligt. Försökte och försökte förklara om att det var för hennes säkerhet osv osv... Men jaa, hon vägrade lyssna. Fick stanna till slut och bli arg. Hon skrek typ hela vägen hem. Blev inte bättre hemma, då jag anser att hon kan bära iaf lite av sina grejer in från bilen vilket hon också vägrade.. Till slut tog hon in det, för idag var jag envis! Hon skrek nu igen och sedan när jag skjutsade pojken till Hebrew school så somnade hon i bilen, förmodligen var hon kinkig för att hon var för trött innan med! Hon sov väl kanske 10 min, så jag hjälpte henne in då vi kom hem igen. Hon ville bara lägga sig och sova.. Så hon fick väl ta en nap då tänkte jag.
Lite lugnt, tack och lov. Min värdpappa kom hem och skulle ta med henne för klippning av håret, så jag väckte henne, vilket var svårt, hon var ju typ helt borta. Måste varit otroligt trött!
Själv åt jag lite middag och sedan iväg på fotbollsträning, vilket inte heller gick så bra. Helt enkelt, en tuff dag idag! Nya tag imorrn, ska fota lite höstbilder med Chris, blir nog roligt! :)
Ja, igår var det återigen måndag, tycker det är bara måndag, söndag hela tiden nu! Men det är ju bra, tiden går snabbt. Snart december...Morgonen började med en powerwalk med Chris, det var riktigt skönt, och vi hitttade en bra runda att gå, så vi gick ca 50 minuter. Dagen flöt på rätt fort med massa tvätt, tvillingarna hade ju tvätt också. Hämtade barnen på skolan och skjutsade tjejen på dans, pluggade lite och sedan helt plötsligt så frågade min värdmamma om jag ville ta med en kompis på en Eaglesmatch. Men självklart svarade jag då, så roligt. Min värdpappa skulle inte använda biljetterna han hade, så jag ringde direkt till Terese, och klart hon ville med!
När min värdpappa kom hem var Terese redan här och han gav mig biljetterna och parkeringstillståndet. Parkeringstillståndet? Var min första tanke. Han liksom bara antog att jag skulle köra dit.. Vi som hade planerat att ta tåget. Men så fick det bli, jag körde alltså till Philadelphia och körde för första gången motorväg här i USA. Det är ju typ 711 filer att välja mellan, och lite svårt att hålla reda på vilken exit och fil man ska ligga i, haha. Men det gick bra!
I alla fall, matchen var helt otrolig! Ca 50 000 pers. och en mäktig stämning. Läckert!

Jaa, det var roligt att gå på en NFL match också! :) Det var ju inte direkt dåliga platser vi hade heller.. vi såg riktigt, riktigt bra. Vi kollade upp vad biljetterna till de där platserna kostade på ett ungefär, landade på ca $300.. Bara det säger ju sitt med vart vi satt, och bara det att vi hade typ VIP parkering, haha. Häftigt helt enkelt! Såg inte hela matchen för det skulle bli alldeles för sent, men det var roligt ändå.
När min värdpappa kom hem var Terese redan här och han gav mig biljetterna och parkeringstillståndet. Parkeringstillståndet? Var min första tanke. Han liksom bara antog att jag skulle köra dit.. Vi som hade planerat att ta tåget. Men så fick det bli, jag körde alltså till Philadelphia och körde för första gången motorväg här i USA. Det är ju typ 711 filer att välja mellan, och lite svårt att hålla reda på vilken exit och fil man ska ligga i, haha. Men det gick bra!
I alla fall, matchen var helt otrolig! Ca 50 000 pers. och en mäktig stämning. Läckert!

Jaa, det var roligt att gå på en NFL match också! :) Det var ju inte direkt dåliga platser vi hade heller.. vi såg riktigt, riktigt bra. Vi kollade upp vad biljetterna till de där platserna kostade på ett ungefär, landade på ca $300.. Bara det säger ju sitt med vart vi satt, och bara det att vi hade typ VIP parkering, haha. Häftigt helt enkelt! Såg inte hela matchen för det skulle bli alldeles för sent, men det var roligt ändå.
Lunchdate with Rebecca
I slept late today, cause the soccer game was cancelled, again. It is starting to get boring now.. But we can't do much about it! Then I just got up, had breakfast and went back to bed, or not to sleep, just lay down again. My thought was having a bed day today, but Rebecca wrote me on Facebook and wanted to do something, so we decided to have lunch at SaladWorks. We had a nice salad and then we went to Montgomery Mall.
I bought gloves for working out outside, cause it's getting a little bit cold on the soccer practices now! We looked around for some clothes but didn't find anything we liked, so just went back home. She followed me home, she wanted to see my new winter coat. And she liked it so she ordered a similar one when she got home :)

This is mine, I like it!
I had dinner with the family and then I skyped with Chris for a while, but she was tired after her weekendcourse, so not that long. We decided to meet tomorrow morning for a powerwalk! :)
I bought gloves for working out outside, cause it's getting a little bit cold on the soccer practices now! We looked around for some clothes but didn't find anything we liked, so just went back home. She followed me home, she wanted to see my new winter coat. And she liked it so she ordered a similar one when she got home :)

This is mine, I like it!
I had dinner with the family and then I skyped with Chris for a while, but she was tired after her weekendcourse, so not that long. We decided to meet tomorrow morning for a powerwalk! :)
Biofredag och födelsedagslördag
Ja, igår fredag var jag alldeles för trött för att uppdatera då jag kom hem mitt i natten.. Men barnen var hemma hela dagen från skolan, det var conference day. Så pojken hade fotboll och medan så lekte tjejen i lekrummet. Gick otroligt bra hela dagen, de var gulliga! :) Bara lite bråk, men det är ju sånt som händer. Vi hämtade Nana (mormor) vid tåget 1.45 p.m. och sedan ville barnen åka och köpa en present till min värdmamma som hade födelsedag på lördagen. Vi hittade lite olika grejor, och de blev nöjda med valen.
På kvällen hämtade jag L(en av tvillingarna) hemma hos deras mamma, sedan åkte vi på gymmet och tränade, för att sedan plocka upp T på karate. Gick bra, körde inte ens vilse, även fast jag körde från ett helt annat ställe än hemifrån!
Väl hemma igen slängde jag i mig lite middag, duschade och sedan åkte jag för att möta upp Terese vis bion. En annan biograf den här gången, vilket innebar att jag inte hittade så klart, haha ;) Men till slut så, med lite guidning! Bion var superrolig; Tower Heist med Eddie Murphy. Kan rekommenderas! Efter bion kände vi för att göra något mer, så vi letade rätt på TGI Friday's och drack Pina Colada och åt Oreo glass, mums!
Kom väl hem vid halv två på natten eller ngt, men jag hade roligt! :)
Sov till 11.30 idag, och gud så skönt det var! Gick upp och käkade frukost, men kunde inte fokusera på någonting, en fruktansvärd huvudvärk och det kändes som om det var lite feber i kroppen.. Så gick helt enkelt ner på mitt rum och tog en Ipren och la mig i sängen igen. Så sov till och från hela dagen. Men huvudvärken vägrade att försvinna. Har känt mig helt off!
I alla fall, det var min värdmammas födelsedag idag, så jag följde med familjen ut på middag. En supermysig italiensk reataurang med jättebra mat. Dock fortfarande lite off.. Hade en trevlig kväll, men huvudvärken gjorde mig bara trött.
När vi kom hem tog jag en tablett mot huvudvärken som min värdmamma gav mig och nu ska jag verkligen försöka sova! Match imorgon, så bara att hoppas att den är borta då..
På kvällen hämtade jag L(en av tvillingarna) hemma hos deras mamma, sedan åkte vi på gymmet och tränade, för att sedan plocka upp T på karate. Gick bra, körde inte ens vilse, även fast jag körde från ett helt annat ställe än hemifrån!
Väl hemma igen slängde jag i mig lite middag, duschade och sedan åkte jag för att möta upp Terese vis bion. En annan biograf den här gången, vilket innebar att jag inte hittade så klart, haha ;) Men till slut så, med lite guidning! Bion var superrolig; Tower Heist med Eddie Murphy. Kan rekommenderas! Efter bion kände vi för att göra något mer, så vi letade rätt på TGI Friday's och drack Pina Colada och åt Oreo glass, mums!
Kom väl hem vid halv två på natten eller ngt, men jag hade roligt! :)
Sov till 11.30 idag, och gud så skönt det var! Gick upp och käkade frukost, men kunde inte fokusera på någonting, en fruktansvärd huvudvärk och det kändes som om det var lite feber i kroppen.. Så gick helt enkelt ner på mitt rum och tog en Ipren och la mig i sängen igen. Så sov till och från hela dagen. Men huvudvärken vägrade att försvinna. Har känt mig helt off!
I alla fall, det var min värdmammas födelsedag idag, så jag följde med familjen ut på middag. En supermysig italiensk reataurang med jättebra mat. Dock fortfarande lite off.. Hade en trevlig kväll, men huvudvärken gjorde mig bara trött.
När vi kom hem tog jag en tablett mot huvudvärken som min värdmamma gav mig och nu ska jag verkligen försöka sova! Match imorgon, så bara att hoppas att den är borta då..
Colouring hair
On Wednesday morning I did a lot of studies and laundry and worked out at the gym... A lot of things, haha.. Then I hurried to Chris around 11.30 to do highlights in our hair. We had a lot of fun reading the instructions and doing that, a lot of laughter!
I have a picture before we did the colouring, haha...

We can give you thhis picture, haha! ;)
Anyway, the hair is looking really good and I'm happy with the result, blondiiiie, haha. Then I didnt do much after that, just took the kids of the bus and payed a little bit. And also went to the gym in the night. Two workouts on Wednesday, good!
Thursday was okay too, the only thing was that I couldn't go back to bed after putting the kids on the bus, cause the carpet cleaners were coming around 8.30. I finished my studies, well, at least questions Chapter 9, and then I went to college around 12.30 as usual. It was as bad as usual too, haha. She never do what she is supposed to, but... I read, and read and read, just need to know what to focus on!
The kids got home pretty late with the bus and then they had Bingonight at school, so my hostmum took them there. I Skyped with Chris for 2 hours, haha. Too long time ago we had seen each other, or not... But we always have a lot to talk about!
After that I had soccer practice, it was good yesterday, cause I ran a lot, and I think it is needed, want my physical condition back, but it is hard!
Fell asleep kind of late, cause my body was still warn after the practice, needed to calm it down...
I have a picture before we did the colouring, haha...

We can give you thhis picture, haha! ;)
Anyway, the hair is looking really good and I'm happy with the result, blondiiiie, haha. Then I didnt do much after that, just took the kids of the bus and payed a little bit. And also went to the gym in the night. Two workouts on Wednesday, good!
Thursday was okay too, the only thing was that I couldn't go back to bed after putting the kids on the bus, cause the carpet cleaners were coming around 8.30. I finished my studies, well, at least questions Chapter 9, and then I went to college around 12.30 as usual. It was as bad as usual too, haha. She never do what she is supposed to, but... I read, and read and read, just need to know what to focus on!
The kids got home pretty late with the bus and then they had Bingonight at school, so my hostmum took them there. I Skyped with Chris for 2 hours, haha. Too long time ago we had seen each other, or not... But we always have a lot to talk about!
After that I had soccer practice, it was good yesterday, cause I ran a lot, and I think it is needed, want my physical condition back, but it is hard!
Fell asleep kind of late, cause my body was still warn after the practice, needed to calm it down...
Ahead in the studies, and it feels good!
Today I could lay down again after putting the kids on the bus, and it feels so good that I actually have time for it. I woke up and did some more studies, vocabulary for chapter 9, almost done before class at 12.30. Then I left for class and we didn't do much today, as usual, we never do anything that we actaully can use, haha. She always loose the track of what we are talking about, but I read in the book, and that's good for me, cause otherwise I would be totally lost!
I went directly to the school after finishing class and picked the kids up, and when we got home my hostdad got home almost at the same time. So he took the boy to hebrew school and I stayed home with the girl. She was so tired that she fell asleep in her bed. So I let her sleep for about 30 minutes and then I woke her up. She painted my finger and toe nails, how beautiful, haha. But it's okay, she thinks it's fun so why not, there is always nail polish remover!
I just came down to my room after reading her two books before she falls asleep and now it's my turn to sleep. Or maybe turn on a movie on the big screen out in the basement.. Don't know.
And.. ooh, my new winter jacket came today. Totally awesome, love it! A Canada Goose jacket, soo good! :)
I went directly to the school after finishing class and picked the kids up, and when we got home my hostdad got home almost at the same time. So he took the boy to hebrew school and I stayed home with the girl. She was so tired that she fell asleep in her bed. So I let her sleep for about 30 minutes and then I woke her up. She painted my finger and toe nails, how beautiful, haha. But it's okay, she thinks it's fun so why not, there is always nail polish remover!
I just came down to my room after reading her two books before she falls asleep and now it's my turn to sleep. Or maybe turn on a movie on the big screen out in the basement.. Don't know.
And.. ooh, my new winter jacket came today. Totally awesome, love it! A Canada Goose jacket, soo good! :)
Monday - Halloween
The kids had a haloween parade at school today so they could wear the costumes in the morning, the girl was really excited, she was a cute witch, and the boy was Jack Sparrow, looked cool! ;) My hostdad took them there and I went back to bed. Slept and then I did some studies. My hostdad worked from home today so he was home the whole day. When I picked the kids up at school they were allready excited to go Trick or Treating in the night. But they had to wait for a few more hours.
We had dinner and then they went out for walking around in the neighborhood. I stayed home to see all the different costumes on the kids that came ringing the doorbell. Our hallway was so cool decorated, I love it!

Awesome, and there were a light that put cool light in the ceiling to. Halloween is so big here!

Black clothes and spiderweb and spiders on my chins. Not a good picture, but fair enough, haha.
There were so many kids coming trick or treating. Amazing, I'm impressed. I just love Halloween in the U.S.! Unbelievable. The kids seemed to have fun to, and that is also good! :)
We had dinner and then they went out for walking around in the neighborhood. I stayed home to see all the different costumes on the kids that came ringing the doorbell. Our hallway was so cool decorated, I love it!

Awesome, and there were a light that put cool light in the ceiling to. Halloween is so big here!

Black clothes and spiderweb and spiders on my chins. Not a good picture, but fair enough, haha.
There were so many kids coming trick or treating. Amazing, I'm impressed. I just love Halloween in the U.S.! Unbelievable. The kids seemed to have fun to, and that is also good! :)